CES Jan 8-11th Viewsat, Cooolsat, Neosat will be there!


New member
Username: Ftalifecom

Post Number: 3
Registered: Dec-06
Jan 8-11th is the CES Electronics Convention. We will be showing new receivers. Viewsat 8000 HD,(DN/Bev) Cooolsat 8000 hd (bev), Neosat PVR iPro 2000 (sky mexico, globalcast, DN/Bev)and much more.

All moderators are welcome. No 3rd party software discussion whatsoever!

Bronze Member
Username: Eatfish111

Post Number: 52
Registered: Dec-06
where what time and how do I get there.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 6768
Registered: Jan-06
ftalife..."We will be showing new receivers."...

U are implying that U will be selling these products...and that Ftalife is a dealer and NOT a forums..

and if U are a forums, why are U "showing" receivers, if U are NOT selling, nor a dealer..

Would U please clarify these 4 points, that I just mentioned....TY

Silver Member
Username: Satscanner

The Doghouse

Post Number: 593
Registered: Nov-06
Oh,their a dealer allwright,no need to clarify.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 6770
Registered: Jan-06
well their URL doesn't offer products for sale, but does have a forums..

New member
Username: Ftalife_mod

Cody, Wy Us

Post Number: 3
Registered: Dec-06
Can I anwser Lk Ftalife has no site sponcers and there is no selling allowed. at CES You can only demonstrate new products FTALIFE has never bashed a receiver or promoted 1 please come to our site and see. Any demos are for the public info and our site supports clones to Ultra's but has never sold a unit please concider this a invite to our site LK we would be happy to to have you [link removed]

Silver Member
Username: Satscanner

The Doghouse

Post Number: 596
Registered: Nov-06
Mmmmm? Well, we wait for the reply.This is going to be interesting.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 6771
Registered: Jan-06
Nate ....ALL sites need $$$$ to operate, usually via sponsors and or private memberships...how can Ftalite be any different?

and U stated..." FTALIFE has never bashed a receiver or promoted 1"

But I just read this there at FTALIFE...
12-14-2006, 12:50 AM
Super Moderator

Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 231

Neosat iPro 2000 PVR/DVR USB receiver! The one receiver to rule them all...

Its posts like this and above, that give me concerns...1+1 does NOT = 2 here.. .but I have read some of YOUR posts and will say U sound like a straight shooter, so u can see my concerns are legit AND why they are...I do try and look out for the members here, am curious, and want to protect my own self as well..

New member
Username: Ftalife_mod

Cody, Wy Us

Post Number: 4
Registered: Dec-06
the post also said contact your local dealer or google Ipro 1000 for a dealer I concidered that post a review as posted in my reply when members asked where to get 1
the site will add sponcers in the future but I hope it wont influnce our site goals to provide a good unbiased advice thanks for the look Lk

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 6774
Registered: Jan-06
Whenever a mod who represents a site writes "the one receiver to rule them all", especially in a "review", he is "promoting" a specific receiver,which I have NO problem with so long as he doesn't then say another receiver is #1..I'm curious at to the ownership is there and the sites history, which I will look into..

at my home site we don't do many reviews, but have done a few..and NO selling is allowed either, for legal purposes...and our site is probably the oldest with the same original owners and NO legal issues..I try NOT to promote it here all the time because I don't want people to believe I'm just spamming, so I have a "List of Reputable Dss sites" thread listed here, for people to choose from..all sites have weaknesses and strengths in some areas..

I'm still curious why U would be "showing" receivers at this convention, which is the biggie of the year..meet a few distributors, become self sponsored forums with new dealer domain site, party, and tax write off?...sounds good to me!...LOL

New member
Username: Ftalifecom

Post Number: 7
Registered: Dec-06
Hello & Happy New Years!

I would be more then happy to explain all of the questions you have.

First of all I wish I was able to remove this post. This is usually a word of mouth offer to moderators, distributors and dealers.

1. U are implying that U will be selling these products...and that Ftalife is a dealer and NOT a forums..

A: I'm not a dealer. I have been close personal friends with the Viewsat, Co0lsat, Neosat manufacturers long before the Fta market. I have also become close with many of the other major players in this business. I started bye selling to distributors and dealers along with marketing for these products. However this was not the intention of this post or ftalife.

2. and if U are a forums, why are U "showing" receivers, if U are NOT selling, nor a dealer..

A: When the Co0lsat 4000 was first released Eric had a show room to show off new products to distributors. This worked well, distributors could view the product first hand and meet with the manufacturers face to face. If it ant broke don't fix it. This is why we are showing off these items. In the end it may result in more sales to come but this is how the business works.

Thanks Ftalife

New member
Username: Ftalifecom

Post Number: 8
Registered: Dec-06
Sorry I forgot these questions.

3. Nate ....ALL sites need $$$$ to operate, usually via sponsors and or private memberships...how can Ftalite be any different?

A: At first our plan was to have this site with no sponsors whatsoever. However after me giving out countless receivers to moderators and spending money to advertise the site I decided to start offering some advertisements to make up for the mods perks only. I have more then enough money to take a loss with this site. The moderators there go above and beyond to offer great support so I consider everything made to go to pay for the sites cost and go to them.

4. and U stated..." FTALIFE has never bashed a receiver or promoted 1"

A: Reviews can be posted. We do not have many either. As you stated in your other post, your home site doesn't post many reviews. You can see our site doesn't have many either. I'm sure Viewsat, Neosat and Co0lsat reviews will always be welcome at my site. However other people post about many other receivers also. You can see that I listed a large verity of receiver sections on ftalife.

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.

Thanks Ftalife

Silver Member
Username: Themangod

Post Number: 125
Registered: Oct-06
Hey FTALife get the hell out of here.
you are nothing more then a front for Neosat Neusat Sat Pros.

talk is cheap, so are your ads becareful.


Gold Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 1204
Registered: Oct-05
Am I missing something?


"Jan 8-11th is the CES Electronics Convention. We will be showing new receivers. Viewsat 8000 HD,(DN/Bev) Cooolsat 8000 hd (bev), Neosat PVR iPro 2000 (sky mexico, globalcast, DN/Bev)and much more."
Are you kidding me? You're stating these receivers bring in DN & Bev HD signal and then you turn around and state in the same post the following!
"All moderators are welcome. No 3rd party software discussion whatsoever!"

Am I missing something? How can you state that No 3rd party software discussion whatsoever and yet just before state HD (DN/Bev)....

Exactly how do you think they will bring in the signal? With factory software? Let's be real here..

Bronze Member
Username: Kriskros

Post Number: 94
Registered: May-06
People!!! Neosat iPro is down!!! get it??? no server!!! no support!!! NADA!!! this whole Neosat iPro reminds me of Pansat and Mr. Blacklist back in summer - promises and speculations, but no support!!! arivederci!!! Looks like ViewSat lives on.

Bronze Member
Username: Ftalifecom

Post Number: 14
Registered: Dec-06
Wow, did some of you even read the post?

Kate, it is clear you did not. I replied to LK on the 1st and you come on the 10th to bump this with some links to your sites? I was talking about Viewsat HD, C00lsat HD, Neosat PVR how do you come up up with satpros and neusat front?

You clearly have problems you need to deal with. If you really want to post some links to some domains feel free to open a new post. Be careful though it might have more logic to it.

I did not mean no 3rd party discussion in this forum. No 3rd party discussion at the CES convention. Clearly you can't discuss this stuff in front of others.

Kris Kros,
You have 1 thing true. Viewsat lives and on top of that they are the best. Neosat servers are down but only because standard bins are working fine. IKS is a secondary solution if bins went down. And for pansat they deserve a little respect. Without them companies like Viewat may have never formed.
The more companies out there makes it better for the end users. If one company doesn't get it done for you the other will.

Don't be so negative. Remember that positive people help build a great community.

Thanks FtaLife
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