I have a redtop and yellow top on a 200A right now, I am ordering a new 300A and replacing the 200A along with another amp so i can run the 6K. what kind of batterys should i get and how many? Kinetics HC2400? Maybe 3 or 4?
Hmm can i just use my redtop for cranking or do you think the differnt battery brands will fu<k with the charging system? I think it was B or sombody that was saying mixing a different variety of batterys with different specs can fu<k the Alt\batterys up.
Thought about it but cant find ANYONE OR ANYWHERE to help me get this done... i have no welding equipt or exp to make it myself. THe 200A has some problems with it as well. I was talking with Nate wit Excessive Amperage and he gave me a few ideas of what it could be that is wrong with it. It if is a cheap fix i will fix it if not i will trash it, got it brand new for 200 w\warranty but i think that might have ended by now i am going to check with the guy i bought it from again but i lost the reciept so i dunno how that will go, although i know he will remember me from all the testing i had him do on the alt.