I jus got my 15's put in and I am wondering how should I run my batterys. I think I am going to go with kinetik but I need to know if I should run 2 batterys or just one, what do you think? I have a 220 amp alt that will be going in also.
scott said he looked it up and it actualy puts out true 2400 and maybe a little more and also Ive heard from others it puts out what it says. I paid $550 for it.
for real. thats sweet. i had my hooked up to about a day with a sh!tty Power Acoustik amp that only put out like 300 rms to each. they were alright but nothing special so i unhooked them so i did f them up.
im planning on getting a kicker kx2500.1 for about 600 on ebay. i cant wait lol. but yeah people were telling me that i should just get a 2400hc kinetik battery but that wont fit under my hood so then they told me to get a 1400 hc under the hood and wire a 1800hc in the trunk that was connected to the amp, so thats what im goin to do.
thats EXACTLY what they told me because the 2400hc wont fit under my hood either so I was told to put a 1400hc under the hood and a 2400hc in the trunk