i put it all over my trunk and it looks like a mess and want to try to remove some of it is there anything that can help remove it because its hard to pull off
do you know of anywhere where you can buy carpet for your trunk because i took mine out when i was putting the edead in and cant get it back in right is there anywhere that sells it made exactly to fit your trunk that u know of
yea i didnt get a tracking number on it though so they cant do nothin about it but i had insurance so i can just give you the money for it how much were u selling it for
I wasnt sellin the thing........u traded me for my cd player and I had 150 for my cd player on insurance. how much insurance was yours rated at????? just get me the money.....kinda sucks balls cuz that amp is like 210 everywhere
i had insurance for 200 ill get that money and give you 150 and tell them that i never got the cd player either and try to get the money back for that then you will make a profit
u think they will go for the cd player part lol??????? I dont but ummmm Ive been home since I ordered the damn thing and no one has come and no one stole it cuz the d thing never came and they didnt take it directly to the post office cuz I check everyday......... that would be very nice of you to get the insurance money and send it my way. thank you