From what i understand, all it takes is a cone replacement to upgrade to 9900 from 9500. I know the 9900 series is more durable, but what does it do to the sound quality? Do they sound the same? what's the difference, and is it worth the upgrade?
unless you are burping your 9500 w/ insane amounts of power...stick w/ the 9500.
the 9900 just has a different cone and suspension (and i think a diferent spacer under the basket) can handle more power than the 9500 for SPL apps.
the 9500 has a paperpulp cone(they call it SFB - synthetic fiber blend, BUT it also has a 4 layer hand laminated Carbon fiber/Epoxy cone-stiffening disc.
the 9900 has a Kevlar/Epoxy multi layer composite sandwich cone.
which is does the exact same thing until u get up to around 5 krms then the 99 begins to pull away from the 9500 and starts to shine but for some reason i doubt u will have that much power so just stick with a 95 unless u really want to compete