What do you guys think about the 2004 kicker S15L5's? What could they be compared to for price wise and sound... and aslo any thoughts on the MTX 15" RFL?
I think all kicker subs sound like a$$. Thats my oppinion. Yeap, they are loud.. if you want to shake your car, kicker will certainly do that, and do that *VERY* well.. but then again, so will a cheap pair of 15" sony xplodes..
call me shape-ist, but squares just dont do it for me, SQ-wise. Just thought ide point out that the only other company that makes squares is Pyle, and they arent even loud (lacks highquality kicker-ness)
but then the sony's will sound like a$$ also. maybe even more so.
-------------- yes i just compared kicker to sony, and then pyle.. this is gunna be a funny thread, i can tell already
L5 is a good sub. new model kicker are expensive, since obviously they are new. RFL is for SPL only. its made to hit one note, and one note only. so its just loud, no SQ at all.