I want to know what people think is the best 42 inch plasma on the market. I am thinking about either the Pio 4270, Panny 42 9UK (plasma monitor) or the Hitachi 42 inch? Any suggestions???
Darker room when viewing?= Panasonic Cable /SAt HD signal = Hitachi ( resolution match is closer meaning less scaling) Brighter room with HD-DVDs? = Pioneer
Take a look at the Panasonic TH-42PX600U also. If you want something that is probably a little better than all of these units mentioned in this thread look at the NEC PX-42XR4A. It has a better warranty, better overall picture quality, and looks better when it is off. (This unit is a monitor therefor no stand, no speakers, and no tuners are included but can be added.)
Just an FYI, the HP Plasma is a rebadged panasonic with some slight menu options that are different. Anyway, the selction of the "best" plasma is based on room, lighting, and priorotiy of what you view ( DVD vs Cable for instance).
I dont care for NEC but they do have a better warranty. Usually a plasma good out of the box will stay good. There a few exceptions but I find return policies come into play more often than warranty repairs.
so which 42 plasma is the best for my case, i am also looking for the best and money is no option just want a good setup, i have a medium lit surrounding, i have cable and sat HD and xbox 360, thanks for your help...open for any answers/inquires
^^^^ Everyone has there own opinion. I like the Hitachi's but from what I see there black levels are not up to par and there are quite a few complaints about black flicker.
Details: How well lit is you room? Are you going to have surround sound? Are you going to go over tha air for free TV or just use a cable or SAT box? Are you wall mounting? What is your main feed being veiwed going to be (DVD, HD DVD, Standard TV, HD TV)?
thanks for your response..ok here are the details:
1) the room is on my basement level, so its no sunny lit down there and you can say its a dim room 2) yes i am going to have surround sound..i herd panasonic is better for that 2) I will be using FTA SAT box and regular cable line so both 3) yes i am wall mounting it 4)from most to least main feed- Standard TV and SAT and DVD
Mentos- An ED plasma actually makes more sense over an HD as far as what you list for viewing material. Just be forewarned that Standard non-HD TV can look very grainy on any HD display.
On the pioneer website it says that their 42 inch plasma "can accept a 1080p source." Can't all 42 inch plasmas accept a 1080p source but just down scale it to whatever its native resolution is such as 720 or 1080i???