Guys, this is going to be interesting... Let's see, who comes with a solution first. My opinion is CS. Although, TheDSSGuy's statement lately is very strong. ROM cards had slightly dropped it's price (the past 2-3 weeks), but if CS comes with an AUX solution in no time, Both CS and Yellows will go up in price...
We'll see in the next day or two. Maybe viewsat already had the fix before the channels went down as rev10B has been in the stream for awhile. Why they would wait i don't know. If they have the entire maprom area the future fixes should come out before channels start dropping.
Well because CS is using a card, they kind of have an "unfair" advantage over any cardless solution. But, it does cost a lot to get set up with an open card and card reader.
The next few weeks will be interesting - all eyes are on VS now. Some folks will cheer them on and others will pray that they never get a fix.