...it would all depend on what you think sounds better,what your own preferances might be.your question would depend alot on what someone else thinks, because every person has their own personal favourite piece to listen to. I usually pick something i'm very familiar with to test a set up i conjure up about..geez.. averaging like two a week now. i think its the only way to "sound seek" my own audio preferances. So far i like it to sound good for no matter what i play thru the set up. And that is a hard combo (atleast for me) to discover and wire altogether at this point. does anybody out there have the same pieces/speakers and amps "rowdy" has mentioned? If they did, it STILL would be up to you, to ultimately decide what Your ears like. If you're talking specs... well all that stuff is given info. You do the math But all them "specs" can be misleading. It would still come down to your ears Rowdy. And with a member name like Rowdy. Blast that heavymetal and headbang out what you think would be the headbangers set-up and let me know. Now i'm curious, i use to headbang back in the day, or was it banghead?......sorry just blabbering, all these thoughts of my "back in the day" daze, just gave me a flashback! me sleepy, Sorry if i've offended any "anti-headbangers" or "headbangers for life" groups out there.okay still blabbering i am ...sleep i go now,,goodnight... must ..go..to...bed..zz.z.nowz.z.ZZZzzzzz...