Alteraudio! I want to order some speakers!


Bronze Member
Username: Alexochoa

Tucson, Arizona USA

Post Number: 98
Registered: Jan-05
i am looking at your CDT speakers, and they sound quiet intresting.EF-61CFT-(165$. Do you still have them at that price? and is that including shipping? or how much will it be to
Tucson AZ 85706

ONE MORE THING..what crossovers do those come with? and what amp do u recommend to push them hard under $200.

these guyz are going into my '00 chevy silverado, and i've never owned component speakers, but from what i've heard is that they are great, especially the CDT's

So please just email me the total for those .EF-61CFT with shipping.

Thanks in Advance

Gold Member
Username: Alteraudiousa


Post Number: 1169
Registered: Jan-06
sent you an email.

Silver Member
Username: Justababyboy

Philly, PA

Post Number: 124
Registered: Jun-05
alter I need your opinion I have a JL 500/5 pushed I think 100 or 125 Rms to the front channels....I just recently replaced my comps in the front but I am still not overly pleased...I have the POLK db5250's....I was hoping maybe you could reccomend some CDT's that would serve the purpose of the power provided by the amp and also out perform the Polks I currently have....thanks. My email is

Gold Member
Username: Alteraudiousa


Post Number: 1175
Registered: Jan-06
well i'd try and get the HD-52 but what are you lacking from the DB's? Midbass, highs?

Silver Member
Username: Justababyboy

Philly, PA

Post Number: 125
Registered: Jun-05
midbass...the highs are good enough for me almost ear piercing

Gold Member
Username: Alteraudiousa


Post Number: 1184
Registered: Jan-06
5.25s are hard to get midbass by, the HDs will do ok, JL's or a DIY setup may be better

Silver Member
Username: Justababyboy

Philly, PA

Post Number: 128
Registered: Jun-05
whats DIY?

Gold Member
Username: Alteraudiousa


Post Number: 1187
Registered: Jan-06
do it yourself stuff....alot of raw drivers and mixing and matching of drivers.
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