That's what they said from the ECM back in May. Turned out to be just a rumor. Can not confirm or deny that that is the case right now as Pansats are still down. If you believe Blacklist, in his irc ramblings he said 2300's and up will work.
This was a lame false thread.As stated all Pansats will be fine if/when a fix comes.You dont have to be a coder to know this.You also dont have to be a coder to know that when a bin comes out it will be on future and nowhere else.
If the bin emulates the rom 102 then yes most pansats would be useless. They would have to have the full maprom area and risk being sued. Right now mr viewsat is using some makeshift fix where if dish changes any algorithms the current viewsat bin will likely go down. So these are two different things.
I'm sure that they will be fine , but maybe is time for a change !!! A new design , with a new fast processor , with option for a CARD reader , with option for internet ( DSL or Cable ) UPDATE and at least 64 Mb of SDRam ! The list can go on , but I think no manufacturer is ready to invest that much money into a SUPER BOX !! I will add a USB connector to that box and try to make it work in REAL time with a pentium PC when we need to get new KEYs directly from the received sat. stream !!
All those changes are only in the software at this time !!! That means , we still have a chance to find a working solution , but soon will need more processing power and speed !!!
SDRam 16Mb, 32Mb or 64Mb ... is about capacity of memory . If one can see KEY, still has 16bit data . It is nothing to do with speed .
Supposed due to speed of CPU, I think it is easy for BL, he will double crytal so it will push up clock of CPU . For EX. double core 81X2 =160 . But till now, Bl have no solution ! So i don't think due to speed of CPU .
Purly speculation.DVB cards are only working with CS.Yet running 3 gig processor and 1 gig memory.
5518 cpu 81 mhz./2 mbyte flash rom. The conextant cpu 16o mhz./16 mbyte flash rom.And all the new ones got it.And things work smother than before.
Software is the answer if they can???GUARANTEED. If you play games you know that the newest system requirements are off the chart.2 gig cpu, 128 megs gpu, xp only,now on dvds instead of 5 cds.64 bit sound card.5 gigs available on HD.And $50.00 a pop.How many people got games they cant play cause there system wont run it.Without it your S.O.L. cant even take it back to the store for other than exchange for same title. Internet media requires almost the same.
Cough up another $150.? Sh1t i got 2 grand in three systems to play games.And that much more in games.I spent more on blank cd to to make copys of sh1t thats so obsolete now.
Question is how longs it gonna last it hasnt even been a month yet.There is no rush.Smoke a fat one.