i think everyone should get a viewsat because they are easy to use and easy to fix. the bins are easir to find. plus the bins for viewsat come out earlier than the other recievers
Like I was saying in another post, I could have purchased one two weekes ago, by now just the ppv would have paid for itself. Then I could have had two receivers to bounce between.
OK. Looks like they are a professianal company as well with support for their customers. They also have a business plan for profit and future sales. Unlike Pansat, that said to hell with people that bought their product. We could care less if they ever work again. Let them buy another product from some one else.
Back when Model T cars were invented, Henry Ford said " a customer can have any color car they want, as long as its black". Ford has NEVER been the number one selling car in America since.
Keep up your shady practices, Pansat, as your market share dwindles to nothing, and you are all looking for new jobs.
The world needs ditch diggers too, and thats where your boxes belong.
I agreed completely, how much longer are we willing to wait for pansat bin, it's been months. I just purchased a vs and it's being delivered, can't wait to watch some ESPN missing all the sports new. By the way i'm trying catch 110 and 119 with one dish, can someone please give me brief instructions on what to do? which satellite do I need to lock in first? thank you
well im going to wait awhile longer i know some of you could care less but i still have a little faith in the company...i dont believe they would leave us out to dry to much money to be had.........ill play the waiting game...........peace