i just noticed this morning that one of my rim is bent. i hit a pretty big pot hole on my way home yesterday. damn this sux. anyone have any ideas on how much it will cost to fix the rim. also i have some scratches on my other rims so i figured i take it all in to have it repolished.
beat the sh!1t out of it with a hammer till the bent comes down lol. some people fix the rims were they rechrome them so they might fix it for you but i dunno know how much.
Damn , Chad i 'm trying to fix my rim also . i crached my car and the rim on my side damaged , But i found some one , but he is the only one who can fix it . and he will take 60$
But thats here in Jordan , i don't know about USA .. i just bought it before 10days and i damaged it . my bad luck ..