Hi I left the house this morning computer running fine. Come home and my screen is on standby. I move mouse and press buttons nothing. Restart my computer....nothing. I am not sure if my video card went bad ( i have a nvidia 5200) Or if it another issue? I dont want to go buy another video card if it is some kind of another issue.
First off, you might boot the machine with a keyboard attached, give it 5 minutes to fully boot, and see if it appears to be completing the boot cycle. try turning caps lock on and off, see if a soft power down will work (press the power button but not for 5 seconds, and see if the machine turns back off), etc. if it works, you can be fairly certain that there is no serious problem and swap the video card.
Check all your connections, especially if you have an lcd monitor. My monitor seemed to be dead and after fooling around I realized the power cord in back had slipped down a little, not enough to stop the little led from blinking but enough to stop powering the screen. Because the power cords to lcd monitors plug in in an upwards fashion they have a tendency to fall down over time from movement of the display and or wiring. Then I would check the video card to see if its seated completely in its slot. AGP video cards had a common problem with cards working there way out of the slot so the newer mobos have a little locking mechanism in the back to hold them in. Even on a newer board, if the lock didn't catch it could work its way free from vibration alone. So check all your connections before you spend money on something you may not need.