Hi, I'm trying to put together a system on a pretty low student budget. I need to drive my speakers (B&W cm4) for about $300 and have found that I can get a used integrated amp from NAD or I can get a used Adcom 545II amp and pre-amp for about the same price. Any thoughts on what might sound better or suggestions on other options? TIA Andy
Personally, I see neither as the optimum match for the B&W's. That, however, is based on my personal likes and dislikes and shouldn't affect your choice. To most people there are as many reasons to like one company as the other. The two companies are somewhat polar opposites of each other in terms of their basic approach to sound quality and I would suggest you try to understand what each company's signature sound is like before you make a decision, if you cannot listen to either system before making a purchase. The best choice, of course, would be to listen to both products with your speakers. On a budget sometimes you compromise and resolve the issues in a different manner.
If for no other sake than flexibility, if these are your two choices, I would take the separates. The pre amp/power amp system gives you more room to grow into a better system than an integrated amplifier. The separates also offer an overall better build quality than an integrated amplifier. Both would be positives in my decision making process. You will have to decide whether the NAD integrated has any positives for your situation.
There are probably, or at least should be, other reasons which will help make your decision. Weigh the condition of each piece and access to service should it be required. The cost of additional interconnects will slightly affect the final cost of the separates. If you are just after "good sound" at this time, and have no idea what the differences are between the two components, I would go with the more flexible system.
Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. I've listened to both and still own a mid-80's NAD integrated amp right now that I use in the bedroom. However, I've never listened to both adcom and nad hardware with similar speakers or in similar environments so I have no idea how the two sound relatively. Can you perhaps give me a little insight into the differences in their approaches to cound quality? I would love to hear what your preference would be to match to the B&W's and why...
Nope! I can't. I hear what I hear and everyone else will probably hear something different than I do. You can read a few reviews of the products the companies produce and get a good idea what each company aims for. Knowing what several people think rather than just one is going to be more helpful to you. Then you can make up your own mind instead of having someone tell you which to buy. Both companies obviously think their products are "musical" and many people agree with each company's approach. As I said, if you are merely after good sound for the money spent on used gear, either system should satisfy that requirement. One will just go about it in a different fashion than the other. My preference is really based upon the flexibility of the separates system.
What would be more beneficial to anyone else responding to this thread would be if you spelled out what qualities are important to you and what qualities you are willing to discount to get a decent product in your price range. Audio is a compromise any price range. Until you know what is important to you and what is not, you can't begin to put together a synergistic system other than by sheer dumb luck.