So I recently bought a 12" WMD. I've got it in a 1.2 cubic foot sealed box with a 600 watt Coustic amplifier powering it(The WMD is a 1000 watt rms sub).I listen to a wide variety of music but I lean more toward SPL than SQ, and I don't really like anything other than 15's, but unfortunately a 15 would take up too much room in my truck. The WMD can take well over 1000 watts, but even at 600 it really pounds(I only have my gain up halfway). The sub does very well at low hz, but I think it would be better if the surround was a little more narrow, giving the sub more cone area(But it's hard to argue with over 3" of excursion). The only real gripe I have with it so far is the fact that to me, it's a little quiet at higher hz ranges like in some slipknot or other songs of that kind, and attack time is a bit slower than I think it should be on certain songs. Overall it's a great sub, and for the price I don't think it can be beat. The company has awesome customer service and really uses the highest quality of materials(Their warranty speaks for itself). Anyone in the market for an SPL sub should seriously look very hard at the WMD's, and if at all possible go with the 15, because I think the 15 would take care of the minor complaints I have mentioned.