It's kinda hard to explain the problem I'm having with my TV. It's a couple of day old and it was working fine for about 8 hours after I had it all hooked up. Then all of the sudden when i was playing an xbox360 game, the screen froze and then unfroze with the tints all screwed up. Now my cable programming is having the same issues as my xbox. The screen also jumps around (ex. a ticker on the bottom of the screen would be at the top and the whole screen just jumps around). BUT when I turn the TV off and then turn it back on a half hour later, everyhting will be fine and the screen will look great. Unfortunately the screen will screw up again after about a half hour of watching. Any suggestions would be appreciated. The samsung guy is coming later this week...
Just to add something, Is it possible this can be caused by the magnetic fields of a suuround sound system speakers and a sub. The surround sound is pretty old so maybe they have larger fields, plus they are very close to the TV.