FTA guys talking about fix // 2006-07-07 There is a different story every day and it almost seem like they are trying to have a smoke screen.... the truth is that FTA hack started from European satellite system(Nagravision Euorpe was hacked before Nagrastar North America, it was based on European hack). Nagravision in Europe changed their commands few months ago and all the European FTA boxes went dark, they still have no solutions for those boxes, it makes me wonder how these copy cats North American FTA guys think they can come up with the fix when their teachers in Europe are looking at black screen after 3 months of trying?
BTW I am receiving lots of hate messages and e-mails from the FTA guys, my answer is very simple, do not promise people if you dont have anything, the best business is to be honest and up front, here is a golden rule to live by "under promise, over deliver".... Let me tell you guys an other thing, I would love to be "wrong" and I have no problem what so ever to admit if I am wrong.
Nagrastar ECM aftermath // 2006-07-02 Nagrastar started their ECM on American satellite (Dishnetwork)on June 21st knocking down all the international channels and then PPVs it slowly spread through rest of the channels and took all of it down within a week, they have started the same routine on Canadian side and it will have the same results. This happened to be the most effective ECM by Nagrastar since the Nagra2 stream.... they have taken down all the FTA (Pansat, cool..t, viewsat, arica, fortec etc.... Free To Air receivers), old plastic cards, older revision cards, atmegas and all the other methods people were using except the Rom102.
Very interesting that Bev. had taken away Cnn, Weather, food channel, and some of the other major news networks to my area and now there back! And the locals and other Network channels for 200 mile area exist on Charlie still since shut down, explain that!!! Must have something to do with their subs being effected or they would be toast by now!!! Tough cookie, but who knows maybe their at it's limits on what total loss they can do??? Time will tell!!!