Is Dn Satellite Really Gone Forever?


Bronze Member
Username: Legend_killer

Post Number: 29
Registered: Mar-06
Like the thread beneath me states so and the thread below is stating the Fix is being worked on and will be out by next week.

Seriously, Our lives will be gone if DN is gone.

So is it really gone or will it be back?

Silver Member
Username: Johnner

Miami, Florida

Post Number: 351
Registered: Nov-05
It really unknown FTA's keep saying that they are not going to give up, but the new update result harder than they expected. Even to the complicity of DTV.

Bronze Member
Username: Legend_killer

Post Number: 30
Registered: Mar-06
I hope they don't give up and keep trying.

It's better to wait then to have it gone forever.

Silver Member
Username: Johnner

Miami, Florida

Post Number: 354
Registered: Nov-05
Well when there is a lot of money involve there is hope, I don't think that with so much money invested in HD FTA new receivers they are going to give up that easy.

Bronze Member
Username: Da_bin_chi_code

Post Number: 66
Registered: Jul-06
It's TRUE that there is so much $$$ money involved/invested to HD FTAs and FTA PVRs that were supposed to be marketed this month. But, DN is also is protecting their large investment that they are loosing...
Let's wait and see...
At the moment there is no definite answer.

Silver Member
Username: Hawaiian_time


Post Number: 165
Registered: Apr-06
Yes I believe there is too much money involved here also. This is not like plastic, receiver companies make lots of money from repeat buyers. People can buy 3 or 4 receivers, upgrading to next best model. It all adds up to megabucks.
Too much at stake.

Silver Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 160
Registered: May-06
There is a old saying and goe's like this: All good things must come to a end! People have hope and are still waitind for return to dtv.(dave)PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!!!

Bronze Member
Username: Rufa33

Post Number: 47
Registered: Jun-06
as others said. unkown yet. hopefully sooner than later.

Bronze Member
Username: Rufa33

Post Number: 48
Registered: Jun-06
as others said. unknown yet. hopefully sooner than later. It's not easy task when there is high encryption involved.

Silver Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 162
Registered: May-06
U miss the point! Even if afix was released today, next ecm 2hours later! Then 2 month's next fix ,FTA is redundant!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Hawaiian_time


Post Number: 168
Registered: Apr-06
We'll just have to wait and see won't we?

Bronze Member
Username: Vong86

Post Number: 11
Registered: Jan-06
How do u get the new box with high defintion??

Silver Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 165
Registered: May-06
By now dn/bv coders have a handbook on new ecm's ready to deploy!GET REAL PPL!

Bronze Member
Username: Tayaran

Post Number: 84
Registered: Jul-06
I think this is like Tom and Jerry, a never ending adventure ...

Bronze Member
Username: Raging_fisher

Post Number: 52
Registered: Feb-06
Put it this way... If something has been encrypted, it can always be decrypted... There is always a way.... It just takes time... It'd be faster if an FTA coder was working for BEV or CHARLIE, and leaking the info back to all the other FTA coders.

Keep the faith everybody...

It's only a matter of time...

Remember the only fool proof way to keep television is by purchasing a SUB.

Bronze Member
Username: Cfillet


Post Number: 15
Registered: Jul-06
Pirate Pete makes a good damn point...DN and Bev can get their hands on the fixes just as soon as we can....what makes us think that the new ECMs wont be around soon after.....remember the latest fix didn't last all that long before this latest ECM hit....I hate to say it, I think the Hackers have been hacked, BIG TIME.

Bronze Member
Username: Cfillet


Post Number: 16
Registered: Jul-06
I'm fairly new at this, less than a long did it take for Nagra2 fix to get done?? I read some people referring to that as an example.

Bronze Member
Username: Da_bin_chi_code

Post Number: 73
Registered: Jul-06

Bronze Member
Username: Moe948

Post Number: 44
Registered: Jun-06
Lets take the nagra 2 hack for example. When Nagra 2 came into effect, there were about no channels for what.. 3 months, 4 months? Everybody except Nagra 2 to be very secure and no one expected it to be hacked. But it happened. The hacks were out in August and September and everyone was back and running.

So as of right now, there are all kinds of rumours. People saying there will be no fix, people saying that the fix will be out soon, etc. Lets just wait and see what the time will tell. Remember FTA can never be 100% up.

Bronze Member
Username: Moe948

Post Number: 45
Registered: Jun-06
Lets take the nagra 2 hack for example. When Nagra 2 came into effect, there were about no channels for what.. 3 months, 4 months? Everybody expected Nagra 2 to be very secure and no one expected it to be hacked. But it happened. The hacks were out in August and September and everyone was back and running. And it was running smooth till the end of May this year.

So as of right now, there are all kinds of rumours. People saying there will be no fix, people saying that the fix will be out soon, etc. Lets just wait and see what the time will tell. This stuff is not easy to hack into. Remember FTA can never be 100% up.

Bronze Member
Username: Storyteller

Post Number: 73
Registered: Jul-06
N2 was hacked by the Europeans after 3-4 years..

Bronze Member
Username: Northman

Post Number: 61
Registered: Mar-06
N2 hasn't been out for 3-4 years has it?

Bronze Member
Username: Moe948

Post Number: 52
Registered: Jun-06
What he meant was that Nagra 2 first came into effect in Europe so most of the Europe FTA was black for a few years. Then last year, someone hacked N2 in Spain and the hack came from Europe to North America and DN and BEV were all open.

Bronze Member
Username: Ariza

Post Number: 82
Registered: Feb-06
there's always gonna be a fix for satelite.. but how, when, where is the question...
ofcourse DN might come to an but satelite theft, NEVER.

Silver Member
Username: Mussawel

Africa, Monterrey Ivory Coast

Post Number: 166
Registered: Dec-05
Ali you are cheap bas*turd. get a fu*c*kin life b4 somebody f*ck yo wife.

shiit I got one to rhyme; hmmm I'm good!!! and I feel good!!!!!!!!
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