I am not much of a betting man......but my guess would be files just might be in the process of being uploaded. Cheers to everyone............and all I can say to thos doubting thomases and other crybaby ne'er do wells is......NEENER, NEENER, NEENER!!!!!!! Enjoy your viewing everyone!!!!
I think they having real problem since BL is cought by FBI. they posting lot of crap promissing peps a fix in the future! well never gonna heppend from BL.
First off BL himself answered that he was not in Jail a few days ago, so everyone quit spreading rumors. You"ll have your fix whe the fix is ready and not before
I donn't know about fbi but BL never released a bin that wasn't bug ridden. Like lk said way back min.fixes to bins ,coun't make a clean bin, wat makes u think BL will come out a fix ? If it happens Ill bet on anybody else first!