I have tried repeatedly for almost 2 days now.........and continue to only get the "page cannot be displayed" page................Anyone else experiencing the same?
I was wondering if it was for sure doa.I have tried a dozen times in the last week or so.Only got on once and was able to register but I never received the link in email.Haven't been able to get on since.I have a 2700a so just wanted to be ready when and if anything happened.I have 75 cable channels I am paying for and still over 100 channels on Nimiq1.Even stumbled on a channel doing the nasty,so no panic here.
I got in this morning.All they had was a thread from a moderator posted today.The mod had NO IDEA what was going on,just said dont believe the rumors,BL will come through.He had no info or message from BL.
another site has a C&P from ROYCE`S SITE where ever that is,says pretty gloomy stuff.In the nutshell,he says Europe has been down for 3 months now,no light at the end of the tunnel in Europe.Why then would our guys all of a sudden be able to do what Europe guys have not been able to do to date.He adds afterall these same guys in Europe are the ones that first hacked Nagra2.
I paraphrased from memory but thats the jist of it.