yup..all international gone... Also, at times when i was watching TV...it would automatically start some UPDATING process...& ten channel #'s would chnage & i'll loose some chnannels & stuff...what can i do to change that? My Autoroll settings are all Off.
From what I've read this won't be as easy to fix as the last ECM, so it could take awhile before we get all the channels back. My advice is that be paitent and read.
- Don't post new threads... dont ask if its fixed... you will know when its fixed. this is NOT because of a key change. dont ask for new keys! its a new ECM similar to the last one.
If all the channels are gone, do you have autoroll tp, or autoroll dn, or autoroll bev, or autoroll keys on. Set all autoroll off except keys. Reset your receiver, turn on, set all the info, as date zone etc. Lucky
I have a BIN dated 10th June, 2006 AND A PANSAT 2500 CLONE Yesterday on Echo 3 (61.5 degrees) four Indian channels ZEETV, SET, TVASA were not available. Today at 13:45 hours (Eastern time) ALL international channels were blacked out on Echo 3. I have no information if the same is happening on Echo 9 (121 degrees) dish. If people are getting the International channels on other recievers, this would be a speed problem with the slower receivers. If people are getting the International channels on Echo 9 at 121 degrees, this could be a move of the channels. I have tried autoroll on and off and have not succeeded. PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR NEW KEYS. KEYS HAVE NOT CHANGED. PLEASE DO NOT ASK YET FOR NEW BIN. SOMEBODY WILL POST IT AS SOON AS AVAIALBLE.
People this is testing back in dave days the best thing was if ecm hit new bin you would search achives for old bin like 6 month and all would work. Remember ecms are not perminent they launch then after a while they remove ecm.
I would not know for i don't know what unit you have but I would try like bin before first ecm every unit has it own bin name. But what I have been reading you need bin with rev 1.07.
I have a fortec ultra...came home and found everyting scrambled...turned off receiver (switch on back of receiver) for a couple of minutes, turned back on and everything works fine.