2700 /legacy swiches/ for LK


Bronze Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 83
Registered: May-06
I don't post and paste but TEST I finished testing legacacy swiches on 2700a bin and I have the results.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 3450
Registered: Jan-06
Good for U...they don't work well..slow channel switching and must "rock" channels into place, especially between LNB's and satellites....I've tested them 100x myself before U could spell FTA!

Bronze Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 88
Registered: May-06
Yestrday I asked you and you said it's BL's way of making bin's look better or for people like us testers to ask stupid questions .So I tested it and you think you know everything but ur WRONG !it didnt work for me.I tested extensitly on multible switches.Ur/right I'm a newbie nothin but , I TEST !

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 3456
Registered: Jan-06
I told U yesterday, they don't work with Pansats...only viewsats and coo*lsats!...so STFU!...pal I've been testing longer than U've had pubic hairs!

Bronze Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 89
Registered: May-06
you just condratdidit url self . TEST more ! but it's OK be friends nooooo body needs more enemy's It's about testing and going to the limit's OK?
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