ok its almost done, just waitin for a plexiglass window, but what im wondering is, how many screws should i use ontop of the window to screw to the wood? there are 5 right now, one at each corner, and another on one side in the middle, should i just put another on in the middle and then do the same with the plexi widow, or should i do more? and when i screw the woofers on i don't want the screws sticking out, so what i was thinkin of doing was cutting the screws down to about 2/3 of their actual length so they wont stick out the other side, or would it be best to have them stick out the better side? and finally, i was wondering if it would look alright if i put a line of white caulk around each corner like where the wood pieces connect make a line of white caulk there?
How thick is the plexiglass? 1/4"? I would make sure you drill holes in the plexiglass the screws shouldn't thread through it you'll risk cracking it. I would put a screw every few inches in addition to caulking it.
ok, i haven't desided on how thick to make the plexi yet, but if i do do 1/4 the window is 11 long by 11.5 high or deep w.e. so you don't think that would be too much for them? i plan on putting screws liquid nails along with caulking so yea
ok, and when im wirein the subs... would it be bad to seperate the + and the - around the magnet or what ever? you know so like half the wire is on one side and the other half is on the other side? i want the wires as tight as possible