Would I be able to run 2 ohm INFINITY KAPPA 60.7CS 6.5" COMPONENTS and 4 ohm Alpine Type S Coaxails from my Alpine MRV-340 4 channel amp. It gives out 55 RMS at 4 ohms and 65 RMS at 2 ohms. Would my amp automatically give the infinitys 65 watts? or would i have to do some rewiring?
Right now I have 4 ohm infinity coaxails where i want to put the 2 ohm KAPPA 60.7CS 6.5" COMPONENTS.
if you put the infinitys on channels 1 and 2 it will see a two ohm load and then put the type s on channels 3 and 4 and it will see a 4 ohm load. so channels 1 and 2 you get 65rms 3 and 4 55
if you put the infinitys on channels 1 and 2 it will see a two ohm load and then put the type s on channels 3 and 4 and it will see a 4 ohm load. so channels 1 and 2 you get 65rms 3 and 4 55
you should be fine. As long as your speaker\load ohms are higher then your amps minimum ohm rating ex. Channel is rated at 2ohms min. but bridged is 4ohm min. you can connect it to the channel not bridged and still get the 4ohms just not as much power as if it was bridged at 4ohms. you follow?