Angles, skew, etc. settings for Toronto


New member
Username: Easygoing_123

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-06

I have an Ariza elliptical dish. It's 18" high and 23" wide. I also have one of those "extensions" which allow 4 LNBs to be attached, with, looking FROM the BACK of the dish, starting with the left, I think there are slots for 119,110,121, and 91.

If I would like to test 110,119, and 91, what elevation, azimuth, and skew have you folks used to get those up and running simultaneously?

I'm familiar with the Diseq setup that's necessary, but it's the aiming I'm having problems with. I can get each individually, however, but I have to re-aim each time.


Silver Member
Username: The_wank_artist

Post Number: 895
Registered: Feb-06
Hit 110 as your centre, pointing towards Florida from your location.
From there it's just tweaking.
LNB for 119 will be slightly higher than the 110, and the 91 will be lower and over to the right (looking from behind) by about 3".
Here's a calculator for you.
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