I have been reading this forum for the past week since BEV "went down". I have learned how to update BIN, use keymaster, turn off autoroll, enter keys. So I just wanted to say hi and thank you, and that there is some good comming from these ECMs, lots of ppl are learning how to finally use their FTA receivers. Cheers to everyone who puts up with the same questions over and over...
P.S. Of all the FTA forums, this one has the best drama.
Neurosis with the lastet ecm attack everyone has been to busy getting a fix to attack each other.I've been reading on this for last 8 months and believe me the people here can be ruthless! It's been cleaned up alot.
Glad you enjoy the drama and learned a few things on the way. Stick around and remember to always tip your waitresses. And your cabbie, 'cause he's broke!