This is probably a lost cause but i have a p5 card that is programmed.. i want to do two things the most important is find someway to reset the parental code on the card i cant for the life of me remember it... second i want to use my loader to unmarry the card to the reciever and use it on another. Is there any software out there i could use to do either of these two things or possible clone this script... i use to be up on all this but stopped once the termination of hu cards... any help is grately appreciated.
John Corto if you were into the hu then a p5 hack you would have a hugh head start on us and should have by now know how to clone it and sell to the rest of us and make large dow but could do jail time but would be worth the risk. Dave is dead period!!!!
i never said i had a p5 hack. i have a p5 card that has a subscription on it (not really mine though)...i wanted to know if i could reset the parent control code or unmarry the card from the receiver anyway?