u cant really see anything on the power side, the 4ga runs are so short... its about 4 ditribuition block on that side... 2 runs of 0ga to the positive distribuition blk, and 2 runs of 0ga to the chassis grded!
didnt keep up with the prices... amplifiers where atleast 1G! subs been about 1G after all the changing from 12s, to 15s etc... wiring and 300a alternators near 700-800...
hey b i got all 1/0g wire i got the stinger kit plus like 3 ft or more power an ground iam goin 2 rum the kit thats 18ft then in2 a 0g dist. block an run the 0 off the dist. block 2 the amps so u got the 1/0g wire runnin from the battery an fuse 2 the block an split off to 2 0/1 g wire for both power supplies is that correct