please excuse my question as it may be stupid...(but I cant find the answer anywhere.) I understand that pansat 2700a as is from the factory will only understand MP2 and not MP4. therefor it will get ECHO 7/9 but not ECHO 10/8/8.6/6 (110*W) have installed nagra. codes and they do work for MP2.
Does one of the updates available upgrade the OS of 2700A to understand MP4? Thankyou for your time. and I apologise if it was inproper to start a new thread to ask this question. sam
U are talking out your butt!..2700 gets 110-119 sats and many more....has NOTHING to do with MP2 or MP4..come back in 2 months when U are done reading!
Just go read...this is very easy IF U READ for a few weeks before U start asking questions!...and U will NOT learn from this site...go to www.dsscommunity.c*om forums or www.dsstester.c*om forums...register first its FREE...BOTH are MUCH better sites,especially for newbies!
could someone tell me, please, exactly where to go to read for 2 months? I am looking for a place with polite people that can answer my questions seriously and not give me some F*d up sarcastic Sh*tHead answer. all the forums that I have read seem to be rude to any person that asks a question. (this is the only one that I have posted a question on, so I guess it isnt a problem with me.)
All sites are NOT rude...I thought same thing when I was a newbie..U think someone telling U to READ is RUDE and blowing U off...well its not...and U will understand that someday when U fully understand FTA..U can't ask questions until U know what U are talking about, otherwise U are just wasting everbody's time, yours ,other readers, and the veterans helping...cause your question has been asked and answered 1000x before U...and U would know that if U had thats why experienced people don't like newbies to ask questions until they have done MUCH reading!
It's like all kids think their parents are dull, boring, mean,and not fair...but when U become a parent U suddenly understood everything and why your parents did things..
I think he just ask the question wrong. What I think he was trying to say was that SATs like 61.5W have channels in HD (MPEG-4 Digital) and you cannot see them. Maybe is possible to upgrade the OS to decode that so it can be watch even if not in HD ( I don't think so) but if you LK or you find out Sam l please post so we can all Know!
BTW: I think LK is one of the active members, and he helps in most cases.
I'm calm and been laughing all day at these questions...its SNL here!...I answered him correctly ,...he read 2 minutes and saw mpeg 2 and mpeg4 and though he would throw those words in, not to look too stupid....LMAO...I'm cool with sam...he's just a newbie , doing typical newbie mistakes..with typical newbie opinions..but I can tell he's not ignorant or lazy!...he can read/write comprehend ....thats better than most here..also I think sam is a chick!
thanks johnner...i'll try to explain better. for a week I have been trying to get a signal from 110. I can get 99% for signal but 0% quality. I get signal and quality on 119, 123 (Galaxy 10R) and several others but not on 110. My box that the reciever came in says "fully MPEG-2/DVB conmpliant" the guy I ordered my reciever (pansat 2700a) through also sells DishNet. he said that he believed my problem was that 110 is MPEG-4 while the other older sats are MPEG-2. (the stream is MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 and the encription is nagravision2) he told me that the older dishnet equipment cant pick up 110 because of that. he also told me that my 2700A would not understand the MPEG 4. I know on computers when you download videos, alot of media players cant understand the new MP4(MPEG4) unles you download the new codec for the players. I assumed that there may be a "codec" available for the 2700A.
I appologise if I have upset anyone.
LK...your first answer seemed to translate to me when I read it as ..."you dont know what the ***k you're talking about. Get the f**k out of here and bother someone else, and come back when you know as much as me". maybe it wasnt meant that way, but that way, it is rude. ............but thats 10 posts in the past.
I have a Pansat 2700a I'm using the X-87BL_060411_148_epg_api.bin I have SATs 61.5W, 110W, 119W, on Dish and 91W and 82W on Bell with no problem it's possible that you have a pointing problem or a multiswitch one check which LNB is going to what number in your multiswitch. If that doesn't work try for pointing Info.
sam...your receiver dealer has his head up his azz...what U just stated he said qualifies him for the STUPID award!...the satellites have nothing to do with that...and OLD receivers story is BS too...either U misunderstood everything he said or he has NO CLUE....everything he said is NOT TRUE!....the newspaper boy knows more than him!
MPEG-2 Reception
Basics and A Brief History In the American Market
Asia and the Pacific Rim were the first places in which MPEG-2 free-to-air reception was used on a large scale. The difference between those markets and America was that prior to the mid 90s, it took literally very huge antennas to get even a few dozen channels...making TV reception of many channels an impossible dream. MPEG-2 technology was a breakthrough that allowed great reductions in per-channel transmission costs. Mass consumers in those regions never had the chance to spend lots of money on more costly analog equipment. Their first exposure to satellite TV was more often than not in a digital format. No 15 to 20 year learning curve of various stages of analog receivers prior to going to digital, like we did here.
So the Asia-Pacific market was a test bed on how to get it right, with costs coming down due to companies from the Far East trying to compete for the huge mainland Chinese market. Then America.
Hyundai was the first receiver brought into the U.S., with its early versions of the HSS-100 series of receivers. Wholesale cost was around $700, it had a memory limited to 99 bouquets, or groups of channels, and the graphics only worked in the PAL video format. Viewing on our NTSC format required a direct connection to a VCR or monitor and some programming tricks to "make" an NTSC picture. We have come a long ways in the last three years, with many significant improvements in design of receivers, and great increases in memory capacity.
MPEG-2 is a worldwide satellite transmission standard for digital broadcasting. It is the wave of the future, because of the simple economics that can allow 8 or even 10 video signals to occupy the same space as one channel of analog transmission. Just as some analog signals can be scrambled for subscription use, digital channels can be transmitted either scrambled or in-the-clear. In-The-Clear is known in the digital TV world as FTA or Free-To-Air. Since it is a worldwide standard, there are more MPEG-2/DVB (digital video broadcasting) channels available in places such as Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, than presently found in the American market. National public broadcasters in other parts of the world have adopted MPEG-2 as a cost-effective way to distribute their signals on limited budgets.
Spread of free MPEG-2 signals into North America has been previously hampered by the dominance of the Digicipher 2 video standard made by the former General Instrument (now Motorola Broadband) group. Receivers such as 4DTV and other versions of the Digicipher 2 actually have the letters MPEG-2 stamped on them, but are not compatible with the rest of the world. The difference comes in the way that signals are layered together, especially in the encryption process. It has given the Digicipher 2 a protected monopoly in America. Scientific-Atlanta's PowerVu system is more closely related to MPEG-2, and it has a lion's share of digital channels in the rest of the world. It helps that the worldwide PanAmSat satellite system works closely with Scientific-Atlanta in promoting this digital alternative. What is unique is that when signals are NOT addressably encoded, the PowerVu system can be viewed in-the-clear (or Free-to-Air) on most consumer MPEG-2 digital receivers. Several DBS systems in North America use the MPEG-2 platform, and when they choose NOT to encode channels, signals are also available in the same manner. These include Echostar's DISH Network, Canada's Bell ExpressVu, Mexico's SKY MEXICO, and the former Sky Vista and AlphaStar...once on Telstar 5 but now out of business.
This unusual mix of compatible free-to-air systems has presented the opportunity for a great number of channels to become available to North American viewers. There are always a few channels in the transition between in-the-clear and subscription transmission mode. The ultimate goal in many cases is for a subscription service, but some channels have been in-the-clear for months and even years before reverting to scrambling. When a channel goes into that mode, arrangements are usually available with one of the small dish DBS services to sell a subsidized priced receiver when making a long-term commitment to a subscription. We shall concentrate on the channels that continue to transmit in a free mode.
A great number of the channels available free-to-air in MPEG-2 are those from other countries. Such availability is contingent upon somebody paying the bill for satellite transmission across the ocean, and then retransmitting to the North American market. In some cases, the North American signal is made available on one of the small-dish systems such as DirecTV or DISH Network for a monthly fee, but the incoming feed from overseas is left in the clear. The reason is primarily economic, with the logic that very few people will go to the trouble of installing a large C-band antenna in this day and age to view one free channel, when they can have it delivered by alternative methods for what some might consider to be a reasonable fee. Problem is that this "free" reception sometimes gets too popular, and the bean counters at DISH Network decide to encode the incoming international feeds, thus forcing all to subscribe. This happened recently with Polish services, then Russian, and who knows what next. A great number of Arabic channels are presently in the clear...a few are incoming feeds for DISH Network, and several others are sponsored and paid for by different governments in Arabic countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The latter wish to make their signals available around the world to expatriates as well as the rest of the a window into their culture. These governments pay to keep these signals available free of charge to individual viewers with satellite equipment. Such benevolence goes against the U.S. model of commercialism and paying for TV, but it helps explain why some languages are readily available here and others are not. Somebody has to pay to get it on satellite, and if a country or a language does not have either a sponsor or an adequate number of paying customers, then it will likely not be available to our market.