9419 gone?


Bronze Member
Username: Woofy

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 37
Registered: Feb-06
Hey all..i did an auto scan on my cools@t5000 to update any channel movements..everything seems to be fine except there is no longer a 9410 or 517 channel for rolling the epg guide longer..am i missing something or have they been changed.
i did a factory reset..set my time and the system settings and then autoscan both 119 and 110.

Bronze Member
Username: Woofy

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 38
Registered: Feb-06
Sorry 9410 is what i meant to type.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1965
Registered: Jan-06
12530 L
tp 22 110

SR 20000
FEC 5/6 PPV Sports Nagravision 2
457 6946 6947 E Conus J Hotsenpiller
DISH-on-Demand PPV Nagravision 2
517 5410 5411 E

thats all there is with EPG

Bronze Member
Username: Woofy

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 40
Registered: Feb-06
Hmmm..not quite sure i follow what your saying there LK. but its late..I'll look at it in the morning, maybe it will make sense then.


Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 1999
Registered: Jan-06
9410 and 517 are there...TP 22 on sat 110...and used to populate the EPG..

read this..remove the * in link...and U MUST register first!...great coo*lsat 5000 area and experts..

[link removed]

Bronze Member
Username: Woofy

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 42
Registered: Feb-06
Ok thanks Lk..i was getting these channels up untill the last few auto scan that i have done over the past 2,3 day,s..but now they are not showing up..just a few mintues ago i deleted all channels,,then did a factory reset,,then set up time and date then set up both 110 and 119 sats,,then did the auto scan on 119 then 110.. whwn i was doing the 110 scan it looked like the scan skipped right over transponder 22 and possibly 23...i picked up 275 channels on 119 and 164 on 110..any ideas?

cools*t 5000..poormans dish setup
signal quality about 87%

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2000
Registered: Jan-06
As U can see in the linked thread above, others are NOT having the same problem...BUT we will get U the fix...did U notice the other thread linked above, where the poster thought he had done a FULL factory reset but obviously had NOT!...stick with dsscommunity, tons more help and info there..maybe its a corrupted bin, done picking up the auto TP feature..either way, U will get the fix..

Bronze Member
Username: Woofy

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 43
Registered: Feb-06
Thanks Lk..i did read the thread above..and i have posted much the same question there as here..no response so far..i have been using the this 120 bin for a month with no probs exept for the past few days after doing rescans. i did do a factory reset..the only other thing that seemed strange was that the quality level went down to 69,70% when it was about scan transponder 22 on 110..before that it was around 87% and after skipping 22 was also 87%. it's not the end of the world missing a few channels and an extended guide (i was getting 12hrs) but i am not one to give up.
thanks for yur help.

go Jays

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2003
Registered: Jan-06
Presuming U have already done another autoscan...and are using the latest bin with auto TP detect ON...I see no reason why U should not be receiving these, which will also populate your EPG for more than 2 hours...

Its possible U are receiving the weaker signal on 110 due to a bad cable or connection or the LNB is going bad.. or a branch or tree tops starting to grow or bud into the 110 line of sight..

lyngsat is still showing Tp 22 on 110


Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2010
Registered: Jan-06
Problem solved...U really didn't make a point of making CLEARLY known that U were using a poorman's dish.....and when U did barely mention it, it was 3 days later...go realign your LNB!...and tighten them up!

Bronze Member
Username: Alwyzlosty

Post Number: 21
Registered: Feb-06
LK I have a pnst2500a what bin should I use I think I have the x85 and it keeops freezing on me.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2015
Registered: Jan-06
Eye Tunes...sorry but U have much reading to do...its obvious U have done absolutely NONE...I don't help people like U... come back, after U have demonstated an effort on your part..

Bronze Member
Username: Woofy

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 44
Registered: Feb-06
Ok thank's Lk..i will be up on the roof today.. I'll let you know how i make out..


Bronze Member
Username: Woofy

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 47
Registered: Feb-06
Well..i can't figure this out..i was unable to find any signal at all from my back deck..
so i returned the dish to the roof at the exact position as before..leveled perfect..but i cannot find a signal at all from any satellite never mind 110 119..when i originaly put it there i was hitting 91 110 119..i have checked all the cables (they are only a month old) i even put better ends all the cables to make sure..could there be something in the set up thats preventing me from seeing any birds at all.

my coolcat 5000 dish settings

lnb power - on
lnb type - legacy twin LNB1 (or single)seems to work either way
lnb freq - 11.250
22 khz - off
disque switch - 1.0
committed - 1
legacy sw - off


lnb power - on
lnb type - legacy twin LNB2 (or single)seems to work either way
lnb freq -11.250
22 khz - off
disque switch - 1.0
committed - 2
legacy sw - off

lnb from 119 to disque swtich port 1
lnb from 110 to disque switch port 2

at the moment everything is hooked up the same including disque switch.
i have 119 bracket on main arm and 110 part is to the right as you face the stars.

what must i be doing wrong..i am totaly stumped.
heavy rains forcast here for tonight and tomorrow..so hopefully sunday i can try again.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2052
Registered: Jan-06
Rob...U are starting to beat the horse to death!...go TEST yourself!

Bronze Member
Username: Woofy

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 48
Registered: Feb-06
Ok..i know i am being a pain in the azz..just a bit frustrated from crawling in and out bedroom window so many times..i did try to change the lnb setting to legacy type..but as i turned on the receiver from the back.then power on remote ..it fired up then as i pressed menu the screen went all pink colour and the receiver shut off ,,standby light came on..i just shut off the receiver at the back..and left it..not sure if i should turn it on again..i though i smelled that electrical burning smell.
any ideas please.

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2065
Registered: Jan-06
That could be any electrical component in your receiver...and long time ago, co*olsat like pansat,had killer bins that would cause overheating...but I haven't heard of that in VERY long time....always keep that receiver well vented!....settings wouldn't do that or LNB and cable wiring, unless lightning and not grounded or power surge..also always shut off power when playing with switches..pop it open and have a look!

Bronze Member
Username: Woofy

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 52
Registered: Feb-06
Well i finally got a chance to get back to the roof and try again..i bought brand new cable and went direct from the receiver to lnb 110..went to settings and and tuned off disq..i am at a total loss now..i cannot find a signal period.i tried on both lnb's at separate times..even when using a sat finder nothing shows up anywhere..i even tried hitting 91..when previously hooked up here i was hitting signals all over with the sat finder.but since i returned the dish to its original postion on the roof (even same holes). nothing will show..the only thing i can think off is that my 2 lnb's are not working or are blown or shorted out whatever..not even sure if that possible..i now have taken it off the roof and returned to the back deck where its easier to work on..i was hitting 110 or 119 at different times there the last time i installed it there..if anyone has any ideas..i am all ears
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