Adding BEV to DN with Viewsat 2000


Bronze Member
Username: Carcpl58

Post Number: 33
Registered: Oct-05
Already have established DN with 119, and 110 Sat.
Want to Add Sat. 91 with BEV. HAve read that all I have to do is hook cable to Port 3 and scan Sat. 91. Is this true? Can anyone lead me in the right direction on this? I don't want to mess with the DN I alredy have.

Thanks in advance

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2153
Registered: Jan-06
U need another LNB on dish , aimed exactly at 91W...then run cable to disque, eneter Bev keys, scan 91W and then make changes to receiver settings..

Bronze Member
Username: Carcpl58

Post Number: 34
Registered: Oct-05
Already have a sep. Dsih aimed at 91W so same program that runs DN will work with BEV? Think using 1066 at the moment. Will it not autoroll keys with this program?


Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2154
Registered: Jan-06
Yes....yes..U are set...cable to disque...add 91W to receiver settings...scan TV

Bronze Member
Username: Carcpl58

Post Number: 35
Registered: Oct-05
In changing the settings do you mean going into the Antenna (sp) section and changing the LNB and Port settings. I am not too sure about this and don't want to mess with DN settings.

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