TV on Radio CW-600s


New member
Username: Jjmccoy

Post Number: 4
Registered: Mar-06
On my CW-600s, some of my TV channels are listed in the radio channel list. Is there any way of putting those radio channels back into my TV list?

New member
Username: Jjmccoy

Post Number: 5
Registered: Mar-06
nice how helpful everyone is being...NOT!!!!

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2121
Registered: Jan-06
Demanding newbie...expects/demands an answer within 2 hours!...I don't owe U a thing pal..especially with your attitude...go pound sand for help!

New member
Username: Jjmccoy

Post Number: 6
Registered: Mar-06
Dumb as$, my original post is 12 days old. Got smart and got a Captiveworks cause the as$holes on this site are too busy riding their camels to really help anyone so why don't you all take a flying leap as I've got my answers dickheads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 2127
Registered: Jan-06
Bye LOSER!...punk kid...and U got a real POS receiver there pal..its so good that U don't know how to use it!...and not many manuals or support for it!...U never got smart!....U got stupid on top of rude and stupid!
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