I'm planning to move from stereo to surround/home theater (probably HK's AVR340 or AVR635), and I'm pretty settled about the audio parts. But in looking at the video side, I don't know much about which are really important.
What in the alphabet soup of HDMI, HDCD, Dolby, etc., is going to be important to me in getting the video from my VCR or DVD players to my conventional TV screen next month? And what will be important 5 years from now if I then have an HDTV, so that the receiver I buy now won't be obsolete?
I've read through some of the archives and didn't find what I'd like about these sort of questions. If it's been discussed before, can someone provide me a link? Thanks.
The future is not always clear, but from what we have today, in 5 years we will see. 1080P hdtv, HDMI wiring and switching in our AVR recivers, Blue Ray OR HD-DVD.
well if buddies lookingat a 340 that 1299 retail he could get a yamaha with HDMi switching for that price but we also don't know what buddy has for speakers