I have a couple of discarded sets of PC speakers as well as two discarded audio receivers. I want to add music to other rooms in my house. I would like to avoid buying new speakers.
Can someone tell me if in general it's possible to connect PC speakers to audio receivers? Thanks.
In general, yes. Assuming you mean the typical powered PC speakers in little plastic boxes, you would need to modify them to bypass the built-in amp found in most. If they are two-way speakers you'll need to run a wire from the input of the XO to the receiver. If they are single driver speakers you could connect directly to the input terminals of the drivers. Another option would be to use an adapter on the headphone jack (assuming there is one) of the receiver and plug the PC speakers into that. In either case it probably won't sound very good but if all you're trying to do is break the silence it might work for you.
Use one of the RCA outputs from the receivers (Tape out, CDR out) and buy an RCA-headphone adaptor. You might need to modify the two headphone jacks to fit together (as in cutting the cord up and resoldering the wires) because they will most likely be two male adaptors. The second suggestion in the post above yours would work too.
If you bypass the built-in amplification of the speakers you'll blow them. They can't handle more than 5-10watts!