Well i got a Pioneer AVH-P5700DVD(off Ebay) and come to find out crutchfield said it wouldnt fit in my dash because its too deep.No biggie though even if i knew that before i bought it I still would have got it because i can always customize.1)Do you think crutchfield knows what their talking about? 2)Any ideas on customizing dash or making a center console.----P.S they said my dash is only 6.37" deep and the 5700 is 6.64" deep.
crutchfield might not be accomodating for the wire harness, or maybe they are just giving the dimensions of the stock hu. either way i think that it wont be a big problem fitting it in there 'cuz a third of an inch can probably be made up for with a small mounting kit modification (ie. spacers between the bracket and the dash)...idk, if all else fails u could just try to wedge it in there with a screwdriver. lol jk
LOL yea just take out the stock deck see if you can move some parts around behind you dash if so take out everything THAT ISN'T NESSISARRY behind the dash and see if that will make room for the deck
Come to find out the 5700 has a adjustible mounting sleeve.2 bractkets screw into the sleeve instead of just snaping in.So i dont have to customize dash after all