Good amp choice for havoc?


Bronze Member
Username: Kingjames


Post Number: 45
Registered: Nov-05
hey im going to get a 15" havoc and wondered what a good amp choice, and would i need an Ho alt?

Silver Member
Username: Baseball1187

Columbia, SC

Post Number: 631
Registered: Dec-04
yes you would need a HO alt to run 1000w+ RMS properly.

how much do you want to spend?

I saw on they have the MB Quart Qaa1000 for $300 which is awesome. That amp pushes 1000wRMS at 1-4 ohms.

Bronze Member
Username: Kingjames


Post Number: 46
Registered: Nov-05
well i plan on gettin another havoc and amp later but will keep this setup for a while, but the havoc will be like 350 shipped and want a good amp for like 300-400 but where should i look for an HO alt, anyway back to the amp how many watts should i go for? im guessin 1200-1500, so any suggestions would be cool

Gold Member
Username: Cenus

Hicksville, Ohio Usa

Post Number: 1407
Registered: Jan-05
i'd recomend the RE12.1, its 1200watts @1ohm, whcih the havoc is dvc2 so it will work, the amp is $390 shipped, and its underrated, so it put outs around 1350-1450watts.

Silver Member
Username: Baseball1187

Columbia, SC

Post Number: 633
Registered: Dec-04
the RE 12.1 would be great. there are other great choices though.

if you're going to run 2... you could look at an amp that pushes ~1200w at 4ohms and ~2500w at 2ohms

Gold Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 6129
Registered: Jul-05
Something like this

Gold Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 1408
Registered: Feb-05
^that'd be the best thing to do^

maby an orion 2500D or KX2500.1. could be wrong on specs for thoes though.

Bronze Member
Username: Skies

Courtenay, British Colu... Canada

Post Number: 44
Registered: Aug-05 that right?

Gold Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 1409
Registered: Feb-05
damn chauncey, you screwed up my arrows, lol.

suppose to be pointing to what Baseball said.

but Chauncey's suggection would work too, lol.

Bronze Member
Username: Kingjames


Post Number: 47
Registered: Nov-05
jeez the 2500 orion costs like 900 dollars, thats a little more than i wanted to spend but if i got the re 12.1 would that power it enough? or any other 1200 amp for that matter

Gold Member
Username: Cenus

Hicksville, Ohio Usa

Post Number: 1408
Registered: Jan-05
me personally would stick with the RE12.1, its underrated so it will push the havoc nicely, and plus it has a master/slave feature which if you run two amps you can strap them to 2ohms, so just buy one amp and sub now then if you want more buy another sub and amp, and its only $390 shipped so for 2 it would be $780 which is pretty cheap for 2800watts.

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 6676
Registered: Jul-05
note a havoc is 2ohms dvc

if $ is thight u can buy a $340 Hifonics bx2005d amp now & buy another when u r buying a 2nd sub ....

Bronze Member
Username: Kingjames


Post Number: 48
Registered: Nov-05
aight cool thanks man ill prolly go with the 12.1 for the extra $50 but what about the HO alt alot of people been tellin me for this setup ( just one havoc and the 12.1) i would need one, im hoping this isnt true and i can hold off till i get the other one anyone know, and if i do need it now where should i start to look?

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 1897
Registered: Sep-05
the 12.1 puts out 1200RMS so about 2400watts. just that amp alone, will pull from your entire chargin system! lights will dim extra, u can even damage your eqipment and blow your subs!

I recomemnd a 200a alternator..

Bronze Member
Username: Kingjames


Post Number: 50
Registered: Nov-05
the 200a would power both amps when i get them?

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 1926
Registered: Sep-05
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