naw j/k i am gonna go for getting a new Car tomorrow hopeing i get the loan everyone wish me luck...
the car has a clarion Touch screen DVD player in it and he upgraded his components to pioneers and he's including and amp with it too..
i only need muh subs!!!!!
1994 Jeep grand cherokee laredo no problems.. hes only gonna hold it till Sat than hes giving it to another buyer so i need the loan by tomorrow i hope i get an answer soon..
MOTHER FUCCER!!!!!!!! i didnt get the loan. i have a damn debt collector after me for 100$ i didnt even know about and it ruined my credit!!!!!! hurry somebody gimme 3 G's FucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucckFucck FucckFucckFucckFucckFucck
that really blows... cars to old to many miles on it and most lenders only give minimal of $5000 for a loan... so even through a poor credit place i cant get anywhere out of this... maybe later huh?