I know it can seems basic, but thanks to all of you who will take the time to help a newcomer to this forum to fully use her Pansat3500.
I bought this receiver 3 days ago and a colleague's friend gave me the files to put on my SD card in order to have full access to all channels. I know (for having another receiver system before), that you sometimes need to upgrade the codes so you can continue to see all channels. Is this what you cal BIN 142-143-etc?
So how does it work? Where can I upgrade these BINs? Do I need to download new files and replace them in my SD card? Do you need to do that often?
All I had to do since I got the receiver was to go to "parental control" folder and then enter the PINs, and then get the menu when I can update the keys. However, today, I cannot see any channel and even if I do that update trick, it still doesn't work (all I see is "wait for picture 10%" on the screen).
I do not want to depend on my colleague's friend everytime I need to upgrade my receiver, so please help me to learn the basics when using the Pansat3500 receiver.
THANKS to all of those you will take the time to help a NewCommer!
Thanks a lot LK! Even without asking you personnaly, I knew you would be the most helpful member. I will post the message there, and wait for your precious help! THANKS AGAIN!
U found it!...and YW...problem solved...many others will have similiar problem today cause DN and Bev are playing with the keys and autoroll, and they won't have the new keys, know how to input them, or fix their autorolls...but U are all set now..I gave U the new keys and fixed the autoroll for U (under my other nick there)