I have two Alpine SWR-1242D 12" subwoofers with dual 4-ohm voice coils. If you weren't sure these subs are 500 r.m.s. and 1500 peak. I am really interested in getting a Hifonics BX 1505D which is 1500 watts at 1 ohm because all I have now is a two channel 1600 watt American Legacy amp. It puts out some power but I am thinking that the Hifonics amp will make these subs sound much better. Do you think that the Hifonics amp is a lot better than an American Legacy amp. Also I was looking for some box recommendations because right now i have a sealed box but not sure on the specs or the material it is made of because I got it cheap a couple of years ago on ebay with some generic subs I sold a half year ago. It is a nice looking box but I know that sometimes your box can make a decent difference in your sound quality. That is what I am going for is as clean of bass as possible. I love hard clean bass. So if someone can tell me what they think that would be cool. Thanks.
In all honesty the 1505 is probably at LEAST 3x as powerful as a "1600w" Legacy. If you look in the manual the Legacy is probably rated around 200w rms x 2 at 2 ohms, or 400w rms bridged at 4 ohms. The Hifonics, even if it is over-rated as many claim is probably at least 1200w rms at 1 ohm, possibly more. The difference should be substantial - enough that you should probably be careful (keep gain low), at least early on to make sure you don't damage your subs.
I also have 2 Alpine Type R's of the same specifications, and I also want to get a Hifonics BX 1505D, or an ALpine MRD M1005, which amp would you recommend, the alpine is 100 more and I don't know if I can afford it or not, is it worth the extra 100$? Also,by getting this amp and those 2 subs, will i HAVE TO get a capacitator or something to keep the battery from dying, is it absolutely necessary?
I think you should build a sub box YOURSELF.....It is easy i started buildin my boxes at 14 and it worked GREAT...i have 2 sealed 10's and 2 ported 12's........ TO me i think u should do ur own box...all u need is wood(CHEAP BUT STRONG)a jigsaw ( 20.00)and wood glue ETC....