I am going crazy.....I have just purchased a Kicker kx650 and installed it.
The protection light keeps coming on. But I can not get the STUPID GREEN light to come on. I have checked all the wiring and can not seem to find the problem, everything seems ok.
what speakers do you have on the amp. unhook the speakers and see if it does it. if it does, I bet the amp is bad, and if you have subs on it, make sure you have no more then a 2ohm load stereo and a 4ohm load bridged .
Gonna have to tell us how everything is exactly wired. How long's your ground, is your ground wire big enough; as in at least the same size as power. Is your charging system up to par and supplying high enough voltage for the amp. Has it turned on at all, or have you gotten the yellow light since the first time you tried to power it up. If all wiring is correct, it could always be a faulty amp.
it sounds like the amp is defective, unless you have an outside source to test, I would use a battery and hook up amp direct to battery,(power and ground) with a small jumper wire from power+ to remote, if it still goes into protect, the amp is bad.