I have a 93 dodge shadow hatchback, and a big freakin box in the trunk with a single memphis 15. the box is vented and it is facing up towards the back glass, I have alot of vibration coming from the bumper and the trunks hatch itself , plus minor rattles in the panels. I know that I should get DYNAMAT and I am soon. But any advice on the bumper and the trunks hatch itself. And also is that the best way to position my box?
OMG I need someone to help me out here the rattling is killing my SQ , I hear it in the car like crazy I have people lookin at me not cause the bass but cause the rattling , its so freakin loud it covers my music up, IM hitting in the Mid 130Db range at peak so this rattling needs to stop ,ITS HORRIBLE.......
well i don't know what to tell you, my brother had this problem with his TA, so what he did is bought a aftermarket lock for his hatch and it helped, i don't know if thats gonna help you any but i'd figured i'd tell you. ohh you might wanna try moving your box around to see if that helps any.
In a car, it is usually best to have the subwoofer box as close to the front of the car as possible with the subwoofers firing towards the rear of the car. This generally will allow the subwoofer box to produce the best sound for your car. Firing the subwoofers upwards in the trunk is not recommended, as this will tend to make the trunk rattle more than normal. The exception to this rule for cars is if your car is a hatchback like u have. Since you have a hatchback, you can probably get away with firing the subwoofers up towards the glass and still get very good output from your system.
But ur really gonna need some sound deadner, Edead V3 would be my first choice
chauncey just wondering why fire towards the rear of the car because i would think that would make it rattle more cause is pushing air that way wouldnt it be better to have it go the other way jw not sure
it will all come down to how your setup sounds in your specific vehicle. There are guidelines to follow, but it doesn't mean that a different placement of the subwoofer box won't sound better. Certain vehicles will make a sub box placement sound different than others. If possible, you should try a few different placements in your vehicle to see which one you like best.
good cause the box is too big to fire toward the rear. The hatch will not close if I set the box up like that. The problem is that amp. I barely have any room for it in the trunk. I moved it to the side and set it sideways against the box with some shorts between the box and the amp temporarily and moved the box directly beneath the glass , so the sub is firing right at the glass and bouncing into the car. Since I did that the hatch doesnt bounce up as much. Where else could I place my amp besides the trunk?
ok and by doin that I need to ground it somewhere else I have limited ground wire length and needs to be under the seat also. Perhaps the bolts to the floor that bolt the seat down? What should I do?
This may be a silly suggestion but you never know....try building a wood baffle onto your trunk lid and anywhere else theres bad vibrations then add deadening material behind the baffles where needed and this should theoretically take car of ALL of your rattles ....let me know what you think
perhaps , does sound like a good Idea and I do have juss enough room for it now since I juss mounted my amp under the drivers side seat, Perfect fit and cant even tell that I have a system, I totally have it hidden. The baffles may be a good suggestion but lets see what some others have to say before I go to the trouble of doin that, Also its the bumper that rattles too. I need to fix it . I looked under the car at the bumber while it was playing and couldnt really locate where and why the bumper rattles like it does.