table saw? lol do u mean jig saw? a router is a great tool for that. a jigsaw can be used as well. however, your hole does not have to be perfect, as long as everything is air tight you'll be okay.
do what i do. just put a nail on where you think the center should be then cut a piece of thick string and attach a pen to the other end and draw the circle. of course you have to measure the sub and divided by 2. lol. it worked out nice for me.
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guys i still dont get it. ok i need to make a box for my cvr15. ok i really dont wanna do it with string and a nail. how do i precisely draw my hole for the cut out. i cant seem to find a compass and im not familiam with routers and all that. i have a jigsaw and alex said use a protractor but i dont really know how to do all that.
to find the center, heres what i do. say the front of the box is 12x12x12.i go up on 1 side 6 inches. then i go up 6 inches on the opposite side.then connect the lines so i have a sraight line across.then i do the same to the top and the front of the box looks like this +.the center is in the middle of the cross
Go Seattle Seahawks
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ok alex we are gettin somewhere. ok my hole cut out is 13 7/8. i understand how to find the center. but what about cutting that 13 7/8 diameter out. how do i do it.
u get a protractor so that its 6 and 15ths inches long. thats i centimeter from 7 inch. so that if u double it, u will get 13 7/8. then u make ur circle
aw i get it alex. i wasn't thinking. i can just get a compass with a diameter of 8 in and that'll work. for some reason i was thinking i had to draw a full 13 7/8 from the center to make my diameter but i only need the radius. thanx alex and everyone else.
haha, take a ruler, drill a hole through the 1 inch cause obviously u cant drill through zero and then count out half of the circle and drill another hole through there on the ruler , hammer a nail into the center of the mdf where u want it, place the hole with the 1 inch through the nail. take a pencil and stick it through the other hole a draw ur circle. cant get any simpler then that
hey mike thanks man. i never thought about using a ruler. that is a good idea. you can't get more precise than that. lol. my next box no more strings. i am gonna use a ruler.
can't you just put the sub upside down on the wood and trace around it? Or, maybe that would be too big and the sub would fall thru, I dunno I guess that is why I got a box with a hole already in it heh heh
wow, you guys are thinking too hard. this is elementary stuff. alex, idk how you use a protractor to draw a circle. they are used to find angles... a compass draws circles.
there are many ways to do this. if you want to use a jigsaw just draw your perfect 13 n 7/8 inch circle... to do so you can choose a few methods... but first draw 2 lines crossing over the center from corner to corner. where the lines meet is the center. now.. 1) you can nail or screw in a nail or screw lol in the center and either use the ruler and put the center screw or nail at zero or use the string method and measure from the center point of the string where it is tied and measure 6 and 15/16 inches. at this point put your pencil. now draw your circle....
2) or the much easier method. use your compass and place the pivot point at the "center point" where the lines cross. now open the compass to 6 and 15/16 inches. now draw ur circle. next. drill a hole with a drill right inside of the circle big enough for the jigsaw blade to fit in. now begin cutting around the circle. sand it a bit. now drop the sub in and make sure everything fits perfect. if its too tight just keep sanding until the sub fits into place.
thats a good and accurate way but c'mon a compass is by far the easiest lol. no drilling and yada yada. altho the easies way for the PERFECT circle is a router with a compass built on... lol im trying to talk my dad into buying one
WOW!so when i got my 2 12's...they came withe like a outline of the sub, but it's small than the actual it worked PERFECT!i took a pencil and drew around the inside of the board..cut it out and it fit PERFECT!
omg......this is like....common sense dude....any how.....
if i didnt have anyting available id use a ruler,measure the radius,find the center and keep drawing dots all around then when i finished id freehand the circle and correct any mistakes when me i did this already and it worked