Is there an update yet for the Avenge SE as prommised by distributers for use with the P-4 or is that just bullsh.. .
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just BS Kent there is nothing for the p4 as of yet, if anybody does see someone selling hardware or support IT IS A SCAM!!
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The programing language of the p4 is totally different then the p3. It uses a different processer and a different ASIC. The way that they will end of being programmed probably will be different then how hu cards are programmed. There is no update that can make this device work with the p4 for this reason, there is no confirmed case of a p4 card being dumped. The card would have to be dumped and decrypted, it commands and interworkings understood before the p4 could be hacked or used with the above mentioned device. Assuming you can glitch into P4 which I doubt because they have some serious anti glitching technology.
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They say this device is updatable and furture proof. It's maybe a wait an see like everything else.
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My loader does H and HU cards. will I beable to use this on the P4 and P5 cards
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I doubt hu loaders will work on p4 because of there build in anti-glitch technology. Even if you could you would still have to change out the crystal.