To Those that say Unregistered guest | Why would in the year 2005 when everyone has a PC.. would the HDMI port be made to not be compatible with a PC? To Bill A, What kind of VIDEO card are you using? It might help to POST that info. To DLP4me!, S-Video output?... Boy that is going to look real good... (Like crap) |
Silver Member Username: Dlp4mePost Number: 178 Registered: May-05 | Yup! No argument there! |
Anonymous | Whats the difference between the 56MX195 and the 56HM195? |
Anonymous | MX has..... » PC input: analog RGB (D-sub 15-pin) » Ethernet port for accessing MP3s and digital photos from a PC |
SteelCurtain81 Unregistered guest | I have had the 46" Toshiba DLP set for about 2 months now but cannot find a good picture with my cable. I do not have high definition hooked to it due to the lack of channels at such a high cost. Can anyone help me tweak my settings to bring out the best possible picture for this set? By the way, I got mine at Big Sandy Superstore in Huntington, WV with the 5 year warranty. |
Unregistered guest | I recently purchased the 62HMX94 also and I didnt realize that in the maual it says dont hook up to a pc. I read this after I had already hooked my laptop up to the TV via HDMI to DVI cable. After tweaking for a while i got the screen to fit and the picture to look fantastic. I am also running the pc audio through my Denon via a SPDIF cable. Needless to say it takes gaming to a whole new level. My only concern is will this set up damage the TV? I have sent an email to Toshiba, but no response as of yet. |
DrewVW Unregistered guest | jdk, Let us know if you hear from Tosh. Im getting my 62hm95 this saturday and want to do the same thing. |
New member Username: Mattron5000Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-05 | To Bill A, I have been using my 52HM94 with my PC for quite a while using the standard Nvidia driver via S-Video and I have not had very many problems. Using it at 640x480, not a very high resolution at all but it works fine for what I need. I have not been successfull at getting any wide screen formats to work correctly, probably due to using the TV out of the video card. I have been thinking about getting a new video card that has a DVI output so I could see if a DVI->HDMI cable would work any better. Anybody else here that may have tried this already? |
argg Unregistered guest | My less than a year old 52HM94 picture was green tinted yesterday morning. Messed with the HDMI connector and turned set on/off multiple times and it fixed itself. This morning turned it on and had a green bar at the top. Messing with HDMI and on/off didn't help. Now get black screen with white bars or sometimes white lines across the screen. Audio is okay. Called Toshiba 1-800-631-3811 and lady laughed and said "I have no idea what could cause that problem", and was unable to connect me with anyone at Toshiba who could help. So much for Toshiba "customer service". She referred me to a local repair shop. Anyone else have the green/white bar problem? Does anyone have an 800 number for Toshiba tech support? |
jaybo Unregistered guest | Anybody know what retail stores will be selling the 56MX195? Need to see it live. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 531 Registered: Jul-05 | >>>>....lady laughed and said "I have no idea what could cause that problem", and was unable to connect me with anyone at Toshiba who could help. So much for Toshiba "customer service".<<<< This is another great example of the service of these DLP RP TVs after the rip off (sale). Yet Another will have the deepest blacks ever on her new DLP TV. Who said DLP technology cannot have the best blacks in the industry? Not I. I'm reading everyday of those who claim they do. When in the history Television technology have so many complained about less then 2 year old TVs being unusable for weeks and months so soon after purchase.. Yet another proves.....Those who succumb to the seduction of the cartoonish picture quality of this technology deserve all the grief they will have....... to the last poster I do not know where you can see one live...perhaps Sears...but there are a few dead ones you may be able to see easier. |
Silver Member Username: Dlp4mePost Number: 192 Registered: May-05 | Those who succumb to the cartoonish seduction of tom bong deserve all the grief they will have! LOL When in the history Television technology have so many had to read so much bullshit from one disturbed individual. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 544 Registered: Jul-05 | There has not been such a flawed and costly technology in the history of Televicion technology. When Mr Texas Instrument guy, in the history of television technology had people routinely had to suffer from: 1. $300 lamps replaced each year or two 2. Biological visual issues that took a couple product generations to minimize (how many TVs were recalled due to rainbow effects?) 3. Weeks of down time for a lamp replacement and more for service 4. Service technicians who have no clue 5. Exorbantly priced Extended Warranty Insurance Companies that leave people down for weeks 6. Audio Sync Issues 7. Latency Issues 8. Best display quality on ONE input source only and the list goes on and on and on.... 9. Noise issues CRTs suffered from none of those issues for 60 years and routinely lasted 7-10 years trouble free. Still do. The ONLY valid replacement of that technology will be one that EXCEEDs it in EVERY aspect not just ONE on ONE input source.... when its not sitting in the dark waiting for that $300 lamp..that is |
Silver Member Username: Dlp4mePost Number: 193 Registered: May-05 | You intellectualy impotent types are fun to mess with, tom! Since you seem to keep repeating yourself to stay in the forefront of the forum, let me assure you that I can do the same. There are over 5 million DLP's in service from over 75 makers, and you group a few glitches from two forums, form a shallow, narrow minded opinion, and crusade to pan a truly wonderful display revolution. You haven't even owned one yet, but they're all chopped liver to you. Your effort to compare CRT to lamp projector technology and then claim that consumable lamps in DLP's are proof of a flawed technology is absurd. I see where you whine about millions of flipping mirrors, but I can't find a failed DMD chip thread. You cry about spinning color wheels, but I can't find the failed color wheel thread, either. I see where you have grouped Panasonic LCD lamp failures and Sony LCD display failures in with DLP to form your opinions. Honest objectivity is absent from your determinations. You may have convinced yourself that DLP is not one of the highest quality displays in the history of display technology and that's fine. Preaching your non-objective fabricated bulshit opinions on others to the extent that you have (530 posts since July) is a whole new twisted motivation that many folks will find disturbing. Perhaps you should consult a professional shrink about this bizzar obsession of yours. I'm all for anyone choosing the product they want. Makes no difference to me. Until D-ILA LCOS is a faster refreshing proven technology, I'm of the opinion that the DLP display is the absolute best available on the market today. It's a brilliant, sharp, clear, accurately colorful experience with the right signal put to it. It can't even be matched by anything out there in my opinion. DLP is the superior and preferred projection technology of professional Cinemas. They have billions invested to display content the way that producers and directors intended. With 35 trillion colors (8 times more than film) and no fade or flutter it has surpassed film in reproductive display quality. Having a mini version of that in my home has been an incredible pleasure for me. I highly reccommend that anyone interested in having the very best in home theater consider a beautiful DLP display of their choice. Compliment that with a quality surround sound system and pop some corn. Reasonably priced home theater doesn't get any better! |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 547 Registered: Jul-05 | All you can do is cut and paste you Advertisement! Its NOT credible. Its from an EMPLOYEE of the maker of the DMD chips. How credible can that be? IF people actually fall for your cut and paste routine they deserve the issues they will have to be lucky not to have. MOST Cinemas use FILM not digital, MOst will not spend $100,000 for the technology in a market where people are going to the Cinema less and less. Get Smart!! If you can. |
Silver Member Username: Dlp4mePost Number: 197 Registered: May-05 | I can articulate a readable message, you miserable moron! I'm not a T.I. employee. I don't hold a single share of stock in T.I. either. It's just more of your fabricated bullshit! |
New member Username: KwallstormPost Number: 5 Registered: Sep-05 | Boys - Boys - Boys The information and discussion (?) is great but in the end it's personal choice. I couldn't see getting another bulky CRT and the Plasma was too pricey yet and have their own problems. The new Sony A-10 had me thinking for awhile but in the end I went with the Toshiba 46HM95. Fired it off today with just a cable connection from the Dish DVR and was impressed with the performance right out of the box. I'll tweak it later with Avia but for now I believe it's a keeper. Tom, you're right about some of the issues with DLP but it seems every type of set has some issue with it. Looking at the picture on my new set I'll have no problem replacing a bulb every year or two to keep it that fresh. And yes, I did buy the 5 year extended warrenty for a very good price. Thanks for all the information gentlemen, It helped in my decision on which set to buy. Keep it up and I'll keep reading. |
Silver Member Username: Dlp4mePost Number: 214 Registered: May-05 | Sorry you had to put up with the likes of tom bong. This was a much better forum before his sorry dumbass started spreading lies. Hope you enjoy many many years with that Toshi. Best regards! |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 558 Registered: Jul-05 | They all look great out of the box. They all look great in the showroom (with the HD source anyway) Its when your lamp goes and you are down for weeks. Or the $500 extended Warranty....why why why would you buy that? Because the TVs are not reliable? Then why would you spend 5X that on the TV..The logic of the buying public escapes me. But good for Toshiba and Samsung. I hope you have better luck then those gnashing their teeth on these boards. Yes every type of set has some issue . The object is NOT buy issues!! Do not support the manufacturers crap. Do not beta test their crap then get laughed at by Toshiba service as another poster reflected on this very board!!! Boy I hope you did your research. You have bigger balls than I good sir. |
New member Username: KwallstormPost Number: 6 Registered: Sep-05 | For this big of an investment Tom I would probably buy an extended warrenty on any TV I bought. And by the way, it was only $189 for 5 years and that includes the bulb. I wish like you that all sets were perfect, but I deal with reality, not fantasy. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 600 Registered: Jul-05 | I believe for the first time in my life you MUST buy a warranty on these sets which eliminates them from my shopping list. But that said, $189 is $19 over the the Best Buy Cost (they charge $400) on an EW for a $2500 product. I would take it a step more and get more then 3 years protection free by buying at Costco where you can return the TV in 5 years if your not happy with it because it failed. NO cost for that. Just their policy on anything they sell (except PCs and notebooks; 6 months there). "lifetime: return policy. |
New member Username: KwallstormPost Number: 8 Registered: Sep-05 | Tom, I don't understand your comment about the $189 being $19 over Best Buy? I looked at Costco but they didn't have the model I wanted (46 inch with only 1 HDMI)so I looked elsewhere. I agree though, you can't beat their customer service. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 610 Registered: Jul-05 | The cost of a $400 EW at Best Buy is $160. They make $240 profit. MOre then on the Tv ini many cases.LOL Too bad you could not find a sloution at Costco. the best insurence policy is to be able to return it indefinately. |
Bronze Member Username: KwallstormPost Number: 11 Registered: Sep-05 | I agree with you in regards to Costco. Anyone looking for a new TV can't go wrong by buying it there, if they can find what they want. |
Bronze Member Username: Doclaw64Post Number: 16 Registered: Jul-04 | I have my 52hm84 for a little over a year and I had the bulb blow. They did replace the blub under warrenty but I had to really get on their case about not having a bulb for a 3k tv set. My set "clicks" and "pops" about once every 15 minutes or so when on. Does anyone know if this might be the bulb? or a problem that could effect the life of the bulb? BTW the replacement bulb is only warranted for 90 days. Does anyone know if I can get an extended warrantee and how much is that warrentee? I have looked and can get the bulb for 200. I love this tv and hope I don't have to replace the bulb in a year. |
Bronze Member Username: Doclaw64Post Number: 17 Registered: Jul-04 | I have my 52hm84 for a little under a year and I had the bulb blow. They did replace the blub under warrenty but I had to really get on their case about not having a bulb for a 3k tv set. My set "clicks" and "pops" about once every 15 minutes or so when on. Does anyone know if this might be the bulb? or a problem that could effect the life of the bulb? BTW the replacement bulb is only warranted for 90 days. Does anyone know if I can get an extended warrantee and how much is that warrentee? I have looked and can get the bulb for 200. I love this tv and hope I don't have to replace the bulb in a year. |
Anonymous | Doclaw64, the pop and clicks could just be dust build-up inside next to the high voltage cables. Take a look. |
Unregistered guest | Have loved my 52hm84 for 7 months. Only problem: about 5 times the picture went off and needed to wait the ~4min "cool down" before it would go back on. New problem yesterday: set won't turn on and goes thru repetitive power on / power off light blinking cycle. Toshiba service wanted to know what happens after 8 times through the cycle (but of course!). Went back home and checked and the sequence ends with red and green light illuminated. Call back to Toshiba service: "that would be a lamp problem". Me:"Can you send me one?" T:"We have to have your receipt" Me:"Faxed it 2 hours ago" T:"Oh, the 3rd shift people sort through the faxes, call tomorrow after 2PM and we'll tell you if we go it" Me:"Hmmmm...well are the lamps in stock?" T:"Let me" Me:"When will they be?" T:"I don't really know, sometimes we get big shipments, they come in at odd times" Me:"Well who makes them? Are they in short supply?" T:"I don't back in a few days and I'll give you more info." Me:"This isn't satisfactory...when can I get a lamp" T:"Well I can give you a rough estimate...say 7-10 business days." Sheesh! I paid $400 for the Best Buy plan...should I try to return the Toshiba and get one from a better supplier? |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 719 Registered: Jul-05 | and people are saying Im making this stuff up.... Perfect example of three things here I have been screaming about: 1. Lamps do not last nearly as long and are only warranted for 90 days. (BTW Thats only 2100 hours of 24 hour watching ) 2. Service is terrible 3. The TV will be DOWN for a week or more. EWS are a total waste of money, especaiily without a tempory replacement policy. If you would bought this set at Costco whew it is available in 61" for $2995 WITH stand, you woula have a new one by now. RETURN the set and get your money back, go to Costco and buy one with a stand with a lifetime return policy.........DOn't wait. BEst Buy needs to get these things back and rattle the manufactuerers cages. |
Silver Member Username: FyiDallas, Texas Post Number: 277 Registered: May-05 | "My set "clicks" and "pops" about once every 15 minutes or so when on" That's the set back reacting to temp changes. Sometimes you can adjust the screws and it will stop. Otherwise, remove the back and apply some silicon grease to the seam. Steve in AZ, You chose a consumable lamp projector display technology. It's always a good idea to keep a spare lamp handy for no downtime. Some lamps last much longer than others, but they are just lamps. They are subject to damage from transportation, cycles, operating temps, improper cool down, etc. Running a small UPS is a good idea for proper cool down during a power outage. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 743 Registered: Jul-05 | Steve in Arizona, you just heard a TI exmployee minimize your issue, Those lamps are only warranted for 90 days (2160 hours) Yes spend more on a UPS that will make all the difference! |
Steve in AZ Unregistered guest | Gents- I certainly agree that Toshiba's service is "lacking". Today the conversation went like this: "I'm just calling to confirm you got my receipt and that you are sending me a lamp" T:"Your file says were waiting to confirm its a lamp problem" Me:"I confirmed that with the 2nd guy I talked to yesterday" T:"No entry from that...only one conversation" So I tell him the symptoms again and he agrees its a lamp. Me:"OK, so when will I get a lamp" T:"I can't tell you until after it ships" Me:"But you don't have you're not giving me any information" T:"Sometimes they ship from other locations" Me:"I can't believe you have no information on when you may be able to ship me a lamp" T:"I can't see any information until after it ships...sometimes you can get them within a few business days" It really is incredible. And I don't think much of the suggestion of keeping a spare on hand. I bought the set with an extra "plan" to cover problems...I shouldn't have to go out of pocket for this. No power interruption problems have occurred to cause this premature lamp failure. Another thing: as near as I can tell the lamp has Toshiba's name on it...not a 3rd party. This is a pure manufacturing/distribution/service problem on their end. |
New member Username: ClarkeracerCitrus Heights, CA USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-05 | I am doing major research before purchasing a TV. I have been focused up to this point on the Toshiba 62HM95. Can anyone comment on any sort of issues with Rainbow, or any other picture issues? If you own one of these is it worth the purchase? |
Silver Member Username: FyiDallas, Texas Post Number: 279 Registered: May-05 | "And I don't think much of the suggestion of keeping a spare on hand. I bought the set with an extra "plan" to cover problems...I shouldn't have to go out of pocket for this." Stop your damn whining! Jesus freak'n Christ! If you had purchased a spare lamp, like any other lamp projector owner, you wouldn't be on here complaining about poor customer service. You would be enjoying your tv. You're not always going to have CS to replace your damn lamp. Ever think of that? So, look up the part number and order one from somewhere. You just might get your spare before Toshiba CS can send you one. |
Steve in AZ Unregistered guest | And an update after a discussion with the manager at Best Buy. They'll do nothing other than honor their maintenance plan agreement and they will not exchange the TV. So I have an appointment next tuesday with a service guy. They can't order a part or even check availability until their technician confirms the problem. (It didn't matter how many times I told them the problem was already diagnosed and this is stupid.) Their response to the likely lamp non-availability is that they have "some other sources". No assurances of course. I told them I was not satisfied but went ahead with the plan - my current hope is that I'll get a lamp (eventually) from both sources and minimize my "next hassle". |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 755 Registered: Jul-05 | FYI has no credibility. He is only defending the DMD chip which is designed and made by his employer current or former. You have every expectaion correct to expect the manufacturer of your TV to send you a lamp. You paid far too much for that Tv to expect any less. In my opinion I would caution all to pass on any Lamp based TVs especially the DMD chp based ones. |
Silver Member Username: FyiDallas, Texas Post Number: 282 Registered: May-05 | Uh...sure tom. tom bong has no credibility. He is only defending is rediculous notions about fixed pixel displays. Funny, he doesn't attack front projector owners, who's lamps only last a quarter of the time RPTV's do. In my opinion, I would caution all to pass on tom bong's posts. Unless, of course, it's for purey entertainment purposes. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 756 Registered: Jul-05 | Front projector owners are a totally different animal. The average Joe does not buy Front Projectors. Only extreme enthusiasts who could care less about lamp costs. These TVs are being peddled to average people who had the same RP CRT or DV CRT for the past 9 years without any extra ongoing expenses other then a service call on occasion. And RArely if ever went without a TV for weeks on end. Those are thevery people I caution against this technology..Unless you want to pay $2500 for the TV $250 for the "spare lamp" as FYI suggests $400 for EW the Geek Patrol service call if you buy at Best Buy $400 for the "matching stand" $150 for the UPC (to save your lamp theoretically) For that money you can buy a nice 50" Plasma and forget about it for 10-20 years. And have a more CRT like quality, viewing angle, color accuracy, |
Silver Member Username: FyiDallas, Texas Post Number: 286 Registered: May-05 | Everything is being peddled to everybody! Who are you kidding? Did you segregate a group just for your bullshit? LOL OK...tom's group...back to the avs forum, please! Take tom with you! hehe |
Bronze Member Username: KwallstormPost Number: 12 Registered: Sep-05 | FYI Just a suggestion, But--- If you don't answer his knock You don't have to listen to him |
anjuman Unregistered guest | I had my Comcast DCT 6412 connected to my 52HM94 via DVI-HDMI cable and working great for about two months until yesterday. Then, suddenly, I found no picture on the TV yet other inputs such as YPbPr or S-Video, ANT1 etc. are all working fine. Has anyone had the same experience? I have checked out the cable and replaced the DCT 6412, yet the problem persists. It came up momentarily this a.m. after I unplugged both the DCT6412 and the TV, but then as I was going through the DVR menu's it stopped and now it wont work no matter what I do. Any suggestions guys? |
Silver Member Username: FyiDallas, Texas Post Number: 329 Registered: May-05 | I've heard of this before. DVI/HDMI is not a perfect science. Switch to good components. Use the digital connection for a DVD player. |
Silver Member Username: Kdog044Post Number: 192 Registered: Feb-05 | anjuman, I have the same problem with my 62HMX94 and the 6412. I believe it is a problem with the handshaking between the two. I'm hoping when the the newer 6412's with HDMI input are available I can swap the DVI one out to see if the problem is alleviated. I don't have the problem with my Sony DVP-NS975V DVD player which uses HDMI. Normally the problem occurs for me when I have switched to the ANT1 input for a period of time and then switch back to the HDMI. The symptoms vary from a greenish picture or split picture (both are corrected by using the up or down channel button and then back to the original channel) and the black screen with no video but I still have audio. Sometimes I can correct it by switching back to the ANT1 input and then back again to the HDMI. Other times I have to power off the STB and then power it back on again. The HDCP specification requires the devices to use a heartbeat signal to maintain the connection approximately every minute. If the source doesn't receive the ACK from the remote device it blocks the connection. I think that when you switch the input on the TV it isn't able to send the ACK back. Either that or the DVI>HDMI connection loses synchronization. If you don't switch inputs like I do then making sure you leave the STB powered on should keep this from happening as I rarely have the problem when turning on the TV with the STB always powered on. Your only other recourse is to use the component output. |
patrick hebert Unregistered guest | cartoons look like crap on my 52hm94 why and xbox has small jagges on edges any help please and sd looks like crap will dish look better then cable and dvd look terrible cheap dvd player no component fot it |
46HM95 owner Unregistered guest | I just purchased the 46HM95 off the floor of a local dealer, AmericanTV. They just put it out on the shelf and I was going to get the 46HM84, but it had sold. Part of the deal, no manual. It would be nice to have one so if anyone has one for this model and can copy and send, I'd be happy to pay expenses...or a PDF, which Toshiba does not have, or a place I can order. Also, the remote's FAV channel surf button does not work. Any good place to get this fixed under warranty? Other than that, the picture is awesome. I do not have cable yet, but i have an indoor antenna and the over-air HD channels are awesome. DVD's, at least newer ones, are equally awesome. I have cable coming in this week and can't wait for more HD choices. With the antenna, even some of the analog stations displayed well. So far, the sound is great too and I will know more once the system is together. This comes with built-in TV Guide and I'm not sure how that is yet. You get 8 days of scheduling downloaded to the Guide and this done during times the TV is turned off. I will follow-up with more once tested. Surfing is a little slower than conventional tv's, but I figure you are dealing with much more information. Thanks for any help with the manual/remote. |
New member Username: ClarkeracerCitrus Heights, CA USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Sep-05 | Anyone have a particular DVD player they would say is better for these TV's than others? Just want to get the best picture possible and HDMI doesn't really make a difference. |
Steve in AZ Unregistered guest | An update to my Friday post on my repair woes: Best Buy authorized service guy showed up this morning and to my GREAT SURPRISE, fixed my TV in 5 min. He had brought a new lamp with him. Surprising because in my previous "contentious" interaction with the manager at Best Buy over this problem, neither of us considered the possibility that the guy would bring a lamp... |
pimpium Unregistered guest | I just purchased the 62HM15 from Costco about 2 weeks ago for $2999. In case anyone is wondering, it is the same as the 62HMX94. This is evident in 2 ways. The included manual is for the 62HMX94 and the system firmware also indicates the same model. The TV looks awesome from both a picture quality and asthetics standpoint. Everyone that has been by my place has fallen in love with the set. I am able to receive all of my local HD stations OTA using a $30 Philips MANT510 Amplified indoor antenna purchased from Walmart. I live about 10.5 miles from all of the broadcast stations. DVD's look great using progressive scan and the RGB component inputs. The sound quality is not bad either considering it's coming from the stock TV speakers. The stereo separation is pretty good. I do however use my Harman Kardon receiver when watching DVD movies to get the theater experience. About 22 hours after the TV was setup, I noticed the TV Guide was not working. After reading other people's comments about TV Guide not working, I kinda thought this was normal. I called Toshiba tech support and was pleasantly surprised that the technician I spoke to was courteous and somewhat knowledgable on what steps to take. At first he recommended that I wait between 24-48 hours before declaring that the TV Guide really is not working, but he still offered to help troubleshoot the issue. (Since I already waited 22 out of 24 hours before calling.) He noticed that my firmware was not the latest and greatest and is sending off a firmware update that I should be receving shortly. Without yet receiving the firmware update, the TV Guide started working the day after I spoke to tech support. Turns out that the technician was right about me needing to wait a little longer for it. I have read other people's comment on Toshiba Tech Support being horrible. From call center industry experience, I can say that it all depends on who you're talking to on the other end. As with any industry, there are always experienced and inexperienced people doing the job. You just hope to be lucky on who you get. I am now considering hooking up my PC to the TV. Although the manual clearly states "Do not hook up a PC", I believe it is referring to the HDMI or Firewire port. I don't see how using a VGA-to-RGB cable to the component input of the TV would cause harm. But I do have to admit that I have not tried this yet... so if anyone has any thoughts on this, by all means let me know. I have read many peeople's entry on this forum before making my purchase. Hopefully someone finds my entry useful in determining whether or not to purchase this set. |
Steve in AZ Unregistered guest | I don't disagree with Pimpium's comments about variability of service and it depending on who you talk to. In fact, in my 3 calls to Toshiba, each time I talked to pleasant and seemingly knowledgable people. The disconnect comes with a service "system" that doesn't (can't?) stock parts against what is certainly their #1 service problem. And what's worse, no one (including the reasonable, pleasant people on the phone) thinks that's strange or can provide an answer "outside their box". I like my TV and hope I never have another problem with it. But to me the key question is whether we should blindly accept the paradigm that's evolved: "Get great technology at a great price and if something goes wrong, we'll sorry about that but you wanted that low price didn't you?" It's the airlines, it's japanese electronics, it's republican governance....I guess its just reality. |
patrick hebert Unregistered guest | can anyone help me with my tv look at last post thanks |
patrick hebert Unregistered guest | i think the 52hm94 has aproblem converting 1080i from xbox im getting small jaggies anyone else get them ,just little ones on the vetical corners of walls and stuff isnt as clean as id like it any help would be appriciated thanks |
Silver Member Username: Dlp4mePost Number: 229 Registered: May-05 | Sounds like you have a nice new tv and you want crap signal sources to look good on it. Would you put diesel in your Farrari? Cable is the worst signal source for SD. I don't even watch SD anymore. ED/HD signal sources are free with a UHF antenna. You may have ED/HD signals on the bare cable. Bypass the box and let your digital tuner find them. They will be on different channels, though, if they are there. Only DVI/HDMI and component (Y, Pr, Pb) cables will carry 720P and 1080I HD signals. Your set only displays 720P. It converts all signals sources to 720P. Are you saying your xBox is a new model that outputs 1080I? Doesn't sound right to me. Sounds like an old xBox made for tube sets that's putting out 480I maybe. Yea, sat is better when it comes to consistant SD and HD channels, but no ED/HD local networks are available on sat yet. I get my ED/HD local networks with a UHF antenna. My sat is Direct TV. Trash the old DVD player. New progressive scan players have digital and component outputs for under $100 these days. It doesn't have to be an upconverting model. Your set will upconvert. |
patrick hebert Unregistered guest | actually ive changed the settings in the xbox menu to send 1080i signals , so should i just set the settings in xbox for 720p ,and did xbox come out with a modile that works better with hd projection tv,thanks for this info by the way very new to the scene,what about cartoons how come there not clear |
blasta Unregistered guest | I recently purchased a 52HM95 and have been very impressed. Just a question about how folks are using the IEE1394 ports. I have a SA8300HD with TWC that has 1394 and HDMI ports and am curious if anyone has tried connecting this combination with the 1394 ports? Looks like it should work and I'll try it tommorrow (grab a firewire cable from work). I'm very pleased with it so far but I'm going to go ahead and order a spare bulb after reading this thread ;-) |
Silver Member Username: Kdog044Post Number: 194 Registered: Feb-05 | You lose graphics (i.e. onscreen guide) with the firewire, at least with the Motorola boxes. I'm not sure if the SA boxes have the same problem or not. |
46HM95 owner Unregistered guest | Follow up on the 46HM95: I did receive a manual from Toshiba, at least it's on the way. I have a TWC HD/DVR hooked up and a $30 Jensen HD compatible antenna going to ANT2 for a second source. POP works great. The HD channels are stunning. I love this TV. I am about 10-12ft from it and it is in a room that is about 14'X20', well lit. non-HD digital cable is pretty darn good too. I was watching the three stooges and it looks just as good as it did on my CRT TV. I have my cable box output set to 1080i only. For $1700 this TV better be good and it is. I can't wait to get a home system hooked up on it. Does anyone know if HDMI is really better or is it not worth it? |
Bronze Member Username: KwallstormPost Number: 16 Registered: Sep-05 | 46HM95 owner I have the same set with an Adelphia HD/DVR hooked up. I just attached a DVI to HDMI cable to the TV today and believe there is a little improvement in SD, but on the HD material there is a definite improvement. Watched HD football tonight and WOW. By the way, if you're looking for a good DVD player I just hooked up my new Sony DVP-CX995V via HDMI (love the 2 HDMIs) and the picture is outstanding. Plus the machine holds 400 DVDs so you have the world at your fingertips. Hope you have a ball with your TV. |
Unregistered guest | 62HM15. Only one week old. At times the set turns on fine...directly to TV guide. Other times when turned on, a screen of black & white verticle stripes appear. I have too push the reset button and wait for 8 cycles and then the set works. Toshiba nor the local warrantt center can help. I use a straight cable line into ANT 1. No cable company box is attached. Help. What is causing this bad power-up and verticle linned screen. |
Silver Member Username: Hd_fanaticBoise, ID Post Number: 149 Registered: May-05 | There was someone that had the same exact problem about 3 months or so ago. I can't remember what the problem ended up being. Maybe someone else will chime in. Try doing a search on this forum, or try posting over at the AVS forum. |
patrick hebert Unregistered guest | can some one please tell me if they get jaggies (small) on some stuff while playing halo 2 or other games on there 52hm94 and if it can be fixed thanks so much |
murph2 Unregistered guest | Hey. Has anyone had a problem like this. I have the 46HM95 and just noticed a bar down the right side of the TV about 3-4 inches wide. It is black but see-thru, almost like tinted glass. Currently have a call in to Toshiba rep. When bulbs go, does it go completely or could this be a bulb issue? |
Anonymous | Hey HD Fanatic. Can you help me more on this. I do not know how to do a search on the issue of verticle black & white stripes filling the screen on start-up. Thanks 62HM15 set. |
Silver Member Username: Hd_fanaticBoise, ID Post Number: 157 Registered: May-05 | Try a google search and using different combinations of these words: Toshiba, banding, vertical banding, 8 cycle(s), cycle(s), cycling, reset. I spent a few minutes looking, but didn't find it. I'm kinda busy right now. If I have some time later, I'll try helping you out. |
patrick hebert Unregistered guest | anyone know an inexpensive dvd player that gives a good pic with the hm5494 |
patrick hebert Unregistered guest | give me a good hd dvd player inexpensive for the 52hm94 |
Bosston Unregistered guest | For the owners of the new 95 series toshibas: When viewing SD content in 4:3 mode, have the bars on either side been changed to black this year? Last years model had grey bars that are very annoying... Thanks |
Bosston Unregistered guest | I went to Sears and played around with the 52hm95 and answered my own question, the vertical bars in 4:3 normal mode are now black on the toshibas ;) |
New Toshi Unregistered guest | I just bought a 62HM95 from Best Buy for about $2700 after tax. I really like it so far but I almost went with a 56" Samsung for a few hundred bucks cheaper. They didn't have the Samsung in stock so I went with the 62HM95. I really like my Toshi so far but am a little worried about the bulb issue everyone seems to be talking about on the HM94's. Does anyone else have any good advise for me whether I should send this sucker back and go with the Samsung or something else? Also, I didn't buy the EW--Should I? |
patrick hebert Unregistered guest | hello i own a 52hm94 and eversince i hooked up my dvd player with hdmi my tv has a weird haze on it like its in front of the pic in the glass, is this a problem i can shows on all formats tv, dvd ,hd its |
patrick hebert Unregistered guest | well mt pic on the 52hm94 all of a sudden looks like crap ,i connected a dvd hdmi and reset factory defaualts on the tv and ever since the pic in all modes looks like there a weird interference in "front"of the pic it was never there before its very faint like tiny static infront of pic any help would be very appriciated thanks |
New member Username: Oakley007Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | OK Guys I have a question. I recently Purchased a 62HM95. I have only used it for 1 month and the lamp has gone out. Now I called Toshiba and they walked me through their steps to make sure it was the lamp. I went out and purchased one online. I replaced it and it still does not work. The green ligth blinks in.5 sec intervals while the red light is on steady. Does any know what I can do? I don't have a warranty since it was purchased second hand. That is what Toshiba told me. I know how to replace parts on TVs , I just need to know if anyone else has had this problem with their Tv, and what they did to fix it. Thanks, Oakley007 |
Sara2005 Unregistered guest | I have a Toshiba DLP TV 46HM84 bought in Dec 2004 (still under warranty). The picture would keep going off and on and finally went out completely. The authorised service center picked up my TV from home and its 3 weeks now. Apparently the color wheel and something else needs replacement and parts are not available. Anybody else heard of this problem? |
sara2005 Unregistered guest | New Toshi, I bought 4 yr Extended Warranty. And I am glad I did. It is not even 1 year and the color wheel needs to be replaced. Wonder what else will break. Not too happy with the service either. It is 3 weeks and my TV is not fixed. Hope this helps. |
nuffsaid1 Unregistered guest | I just purchased a 52HM95 from Best Buy for $1799 not including $100 Comcast rebate. Excellent deal and picture. For those of you looking for an excellent DVD, look at an OPPO DV971H ($199), only digital connections. The specs compare with $2500 Denon. The picture is incredible. |
Bronze Member Username: SteveaPost Number: 11 Registered: Jun-05 | I have a 52HM84 and got a Tosh SD5980 DVD player for it; it's connected via HDMI and the PQ is pretty awesome. I decided on the Tosh DVD because Toshiba says they are totally compatible with their DLP's; I liked the Samsung DVD's ease-of-use better because of that cool little "click wheel" to operate it but decided against it because of compatibility and remote control issues. Only thing I don't like about the SD5980 is those tiny, invisible buttons when I want to operate it manually. |
Unregistered guest | Fan Noise! I have the 72HM195 for approximately 2 months. Great set , great picture etc. I do have lamp fan noise during operation that may be excessive. I don't remember it when I first started use. When the volume levels are low I can hear it quite clearly. I know they all have this to some extent but how do you know if it is excessive. Also how do you mitigate it. One problem may be the room size and acoustics. |
Anonymous | Fan Noise I have a problem with fan noise on my 52HM84x, but it is not consistant, but is annoying. It runs a cycle about every 3 minutes. Is this normal. |
New member Username: Blackcatx1Shirley, IN USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Nov-05 | Are the bulbs the same for both models Toshiba 52HM84 & 52HM95 I think it's the Radiance 150 Hi-Bright Lamp? Thankyou Jim Hinchman |
Anonymous | Anyone seen (if so where) or have any experience with the Toshiba 56MX195? |
New member Username: Tige_rider7Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-05 | I am torn between two TVs right now. The 62HM15 for $2999 including stand at Costco and the 62MX195 for $3399 (probably less) from a local video store. The 195 doesn't include the stand but I could probably negotiate it into the deal. Is one clearly better than the other? I like the one at Costco, and the return policy at Costco is pretty good, but the picture on the 195 was pretty incredible. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks! |
Anonymous | PLEASE READ - COMMON PROBLEM NOTICED with 62HM14 from costco. I bought 62HM15 Toshiba DLP tv at costco 3 months ago. Initially I hooked it using component video with Comcast HD receiver. NO PROBLEMS. Later, I bought HDMI cable and connected the TV with the the HD receiver. Problem started. In case if I turn off the cable box using the remote, even though I shitch off the TV, the TV will automatically switch on and off Continuously. Until I unplug the HDMI calbe and Power off the main supply line. Inorder for the TV to work again, Switch off the cable box, unplug the HDMI, switch on the TV, change mode to DVD , switch on the cable and change the TV mode to HDMI. Its is painfull. or Else, I should never switch off the cable receiver. Even if by mistake, if I switch off the cable receiver or power of the main line, the TV will go into this mode. Toshiba says it is the problem with compatibility with the cable HD receiver/box. Thats a BULL...i use comcast and have the most widely used cable reciever. I am gonna return it to Costco. Also there is some noise even after you switch off the TV. I hate the some mechanical part is always running for no reason and highly possible it will wear soon and effect the life of the TV. Thanks to Costco, they are happy to take it back. |
Anonymous | Ok, OK, All you 52MH84 owners are making me real, real nervous. My lamp just went out last Friday, and I am getting the same run around. Sounds like there is a serious problem with this particular lamp and Toshiba won't admit the problem. Any thoughts? Anyone? |
whip Unregistered guest | i agree the 56mx195 looks great but can't get any history on it. |
Anonymous | I've had a 52HMX84 for 9 months when the bulb went on August 25, 2005 after using the T.V. for 500 hours. I waited 6 weeks for a replacement bulb. Once the bulb was replaced it worked for 30 minutes then went again. Since then the bulb was replaced a third time and it went immediately. Now I am told the bulb and ballast need to be replaced. It has been 13 weeks and I am still waiting. If you buy this T.V. prepare for allot of downtime. Anyone know a good lawyer who would be interested in a class action lawsuit? |
Anonymous | Speaking of bulbs I don't know if this will apply to me but I'm having some flickering on the screen since last week. It's been very annoying and it comes and goes, one temporary resolve was to set the lamp light from low power to high. I wouldn't want to replace the lamp every so often so I felt low lamp mode was the best choice but perhaps someone can fill me in on whats happening with my 52MHX84? |
Anonymous | I bought the Toshiba DLP 46HMX85 in Aug. 2005 and it just died on me yesterday, Nov. 18. 2005. The bulb exploded while I was sitting there watching T.V. ... it actually made a loud "POP" sound. That's 3 whole months ... wow, what unbelievable reliability. I took out the lamp module for warranty replacement of the bulb. I'm told they are out of stock and I must wait. I'm screwed, right? Those that have replacement bulbs, is there anything else I should do ( besides the instruction which I followed in the manual) for prolong bulb life? Will a good surge protector help? Come on, Toshiba, this was a good T.V. when it was running -- straighten out this little bulb issue before you lose customers for good! |
Let there be bulb Unregistered guest | To answer your question, yes a good surge suppressor/power filter would likely have helped. I'll wager it was offered if you bought your set at a brick and mortar store. Get one before your bulb is replaced or you'll be buying the next bulb out of pocket in another three months or so. You're not screwed you'll just have to wait for the part. Don't blame the set, your at least in part responsible for expecting it to be like an old tube set. As for the guy with the flickering screen. Your bulb is likely just about to go out. Go ahead and call for warrantee service now, you might cut your downtime. There is only two settings on the bulb, on or off. Low mode will not preserve the lamp life. Good surge suppression, power filtration and equally imprtant uninterrupted power supply will. |
Silver Member Username: FyiDallas, Texas Post Number: 449 Registered: May-05 | It still amazes me that people are not purchasing a spare lamp for their consumable lamp projector. It doesn't much matter if your lamp is under warranty if you have to subject yourself to downtime and availability issues. It's a lamp projector folks. Get a spare lamp from eBay or elsewhere, but get one. Stop whining about the reliability of a light bulb. After all, it's a light bulb. |
New member Username: AlaskanaPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-05 | I'm considering the 62HM15 Toshiba DLP at Costco. Has anyone used an Xbox 360 on this set? Any problems? I tried comparing the specs of the 62HM15 & 62HM95. That only gave me a headache. Are they really the same? Thanks. Dick |
Just bought 56HM195 Unregistered guest | Just bought Toshiba 56HM195 1080p. All is great, Just a little uncomfortable with the continous fan noise in the background even when the tv is turned off. |
New member Username: New_dudeSomerdale , NJ Camden Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-05 | Just bought a Toshiba 52HM95 TV from best buy. Spent a little to much I think at $2499.00. My main concern with the TV is that the digital images on the screen ie. scores, TV guide, the weather chanel, etc... seem pixilated even though I have the screen at normal mode (not full screen). The faces of news casters and characters on normal stations seem to be blury as well. High def looks great though. I played around with it for about 2 hours and can not get it to look right. Any help would be greatly appreciate. I do have a comcast HD connection. Hope I didn't make a mistake with the product. Looked great in the store. Need to know weather or not I should return the item or spend $100 for BB to come out and look at it THANKS MUCH |
Silver Member Username: Helpful_smurfPost Number: 125 Registered: Jun-05 | Welcome to Standard definition on an High Definition set. The size of the screen and the resolution leaves no place for bad signal to hide, every flaw will be right there and writ large for you to see. I'll wager your digital channels look good but your low channels (99 and under) look pretty rough. Switch over to the HD versions of your local channels, even the SD programs like local news will at least be in digital and much improved over your analog band versions. The fact that your HD channels are great means it's not the set, it's the signal. Comcast in my area is supposed to be 100 percent digital (for those who have digital cable) within the next month or so, it's already being beta tested and should roll out very soon. Hope for that to happen in your area as well. It will dramatically improve PQ across the board. |
powerbroker98 Unregistered guest | I just received my 46HM95 and was outraged initially thinking I had received a faulty DLP with the fan continuing to run even after the TV is off for hours. I went googling and found a link talking about projectors but not rear projection TV's fans satisfactory explanation. However the Toshiba projector also has the same "problem". Here is a quote that likely explains the fan keeps running the Toshibas to keep the power supply cool even when the TV is off. I don't know if this poor design could have been avoided but it doesn't seem that other manufacturers have the same design. "However, the projector's fan is never completely off; even when powered down the fan in the MT200 continues running slowly to keep the power supply cool, which can be annoying in an otherwise quiet room. To shut off the fan completely you must either cut AC power to the unit, or turn the projector's main power switch off." |
drewVW Unregistered guest | "I tried comparing the specs of the 62HM15 & 62HM95. That only gave me a headache. Are they really the same? " Yes they are the same. FWIW, I have a 62HM95 and have been pleased. Issue with cable card at first was resolved with a call to tech support they had me reset and unplug. With reboot i got software update and all has worked well ever since. Cable quality wasnt great so i called time warner and they came out and put a booster on it. I recommend this to anyone as my picture now is pristine! Incredible on HD channels. |
woody33 Unregistered guest | I recently bought the 62HM15A and love it. I have it connected to my cable box via HDMI 800 Monster. My only concern is that sometimes I notice that the primary colors (red, blue, green) start flickering and last for less than a minute. I have not been able to tell if it is related to a specific channel or if it is on all the channels. Does anyone have any similar issues? |
Silver Member Username: Kdog044Post Number: 195 Registered: Feb-05 | I guess you can add me to list of lamp failures. After nine months and 2945 hours on the lamp mine went this morning. No word on when they will be available from Toshiba. I ordered a replacement on line but they do not have them in stock so it loooks like I am at least a week without my TV. I would recommend anyone to order a replacement unless you don't mind not having your TV for a week or more. I don't regret my buying decision but it sucks that I have to wait to get it working again. |
Douglas T Unregistered guest | To Kdog044, How do you determine how many hours were on the lamp? I couldn't find anything in the manual on how to get that number. BTW, I have a Toshiba 62HMX84 and it is just over a year old and has had no problems. |
Silver Member Username: Kdog044Post Number: 198 Registered: Feb-05 | Douglas, With TV turned on: 1. Press "mute" on the remote - 1/2 mute appears on the screen 2. Press "mute" on the remote again - mute appears on the screen 3. Press "mute" on the remote and hold the mute button - 4. Press the "Menu" button on the TV's front panel. "S" will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. 5. Press the "Menu" button a second time and the "S" will disappear. On the left side of the screen you will see "RCUT" followed by two numbers. You are now in the service mode. 6. Press "9" on the remote and you will access the diagnostics page. In the right hand corner is the lamp time in hours. 7. Press "power" button on remote to exit the menu and power off the TV. CAUTION: Do not use the up and down volume keys on the remote in this menu as it can alter the data and can be dangerous. |
Bronze Member Username: Joe_mannMICHIGAN USA Post Number: 21 Registered: Apr-05 | Hello All, Have a quick question. I have noticed some audio/video lags with my 52HMX94. More recently when I ran rca cable (L, R)from satelite box to external avr. Do not seem to really notice if watching TV with TV speakers only. But..., when I turn on the receiver to listen through external speakers, there is a definate lag (video lags the audio).., but, not all the time. With tv speakers on and external speakers on there is a slight audio shadow (almost like an echo). Some channels worse than others. Been doing some online research and others appear to have similar problems. I somewhat understand the whole unpconverting siglnals and the tv dealaying certain aspects of the signal so everything will supposedly sync up (480 to 720.., I think). Is there any quick fix to this? Its starting to drive me a little batty. Very annoying for such an expensive TV. Had the TV since April of 2004. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, |
Bronze Member Username: Joe_mannMICHIGAN USA Post Number: 22 Registered: Apr-05 | A quick change to previous post. I have had the TV since April 2005, 2004. |