When your trying to hook up 2 amps for subs, how do you plug RCA's to both amps? Do you use two sets of female to duel male y cables? That way one set goes to one amp and the other goes to the other? Or how?
people, please, you don't need to address everything to me in the topics. I read most of them anyway.
some mono amps have line level outputs that you can use to daisy chain the amps together. otherwise yes, use Y-splitters or an electronic crossover with multiple outputs and a line driver to keep the signal strong.
You have some options, You could use a Y-RCA splitter, A Crossover, or see if your AMP has a Pass- Through (hook incoming RCA to AMP then another RCA set into out pass through and use the out pass through to go to the other in RCA on the 2nd AMP). You could do that.