C**lsat 4000 pro flashing problem


Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 11
Registered: Nov-05
In a different thread I posted a problem I had with my reciever but I cannot find that thread... anyways...

I read up what I could on the forums and so forth but I just recieved my reciever after returning my last one due to manu defects. This time the remote works (yay)... But still, just like the last one, it will not go to 100% when it's "sending" in "stbtool" or "c**lsat pro loader" that I got from the newbie thread.. This tme the VERY FIRST time I tried to program it, it went to 16%... now it only goes to 1%... can someone please help? also normally how long does it take to program (i let it sit there for about 5 minutes and it didnt go any further...) thanks again guys..

also im installing the dishpro dish 500 with the dual twin lnbs... but was thinking I may want to buy the superdish dish 1000... is that dish compatible with fta's?


Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 12
Registered: Nov-05
oh and by the way...

The reciever was sent with a serial cable to use with it... It is detected on com 1 (versioon 1.20 detected)... im using windows xp and trying to load the NORW_20051109.stb

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 651
Registered: Oct-05

Try this:
http://www.curious-contraptions .com/forums/showthread.php?t=8210

And if you have any firewall software (ie ZoneAlarm or Windows SP2) try turning that off.

Usually it takes a minute or a little over a minute to flash.

superdish and dish 1000 are 2 different things, there are 2 superdishes, 1 is 105 (for 110,119,105) the other is 121 (for 110,119,121).

dish 1000 is for 110,119 and 129(echo5). And you won't get much out of 129, except locals. FTA's should work with it, since dish1000 comes equipped with new DP Plus lnb's.

Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 13
Registered: Nov-05
thanks, by the way since i posted that I did some more experiementing... burnt the files to a cd and bought everything over to another computer... worked fine... so everything is ready for the dish tomorrow... just gotta figure out whats wrong with my computer's serial port

thanks for the fast reply...

is the superdish 121 worth it though? i live in a complex and they required 18" dishes but i talked to them and found out they're pretty easy going when it comes to that... i have been expecting a dishpro dish 500 from someone on ebay but it's been over 2 weeks... i called a local place up and they have the 121 superdish in stock... may pick that up and sell the dish 500 if you think the 121 is worth it... please let me know... doing this tomorrow if everything works out okay =)

thanks again for the reply

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 653
Registered: Oct-05

I would STRONGLY advise you to consider dish500 over the superdish, especially if you live in a complex, the superdish itself is alot heavier (even though it might not look like it is on a picture) than dish500, it has an oval shape, and the lnb arm is a monster (looks like a bazooka :-), when all is put together), and because of that it would require a different type of installation, DN's techs/installers refuse to install it on roof tops or the sides of a building considering the wind factor, although it is possible to install in on a flat roof (as I have, with a big peice of plywood and few cinder blocks).

So it's up to you to decide, it's not impossible to do, but it is an inconvenience if you're not living in your own house.

Silver Member
Username: Thehitch


Post Number: 159
Registered: Oct-05
ChronMar, I am glad you are up and running, but I don`t know why you weren`t able to download with win xp, unless it was 2000 pro, instead of home. I`ve heard of prob`s/ pro, but I have xp/home/sp2 and no prob. on c00l. pro or vwst. plt. If you get a chance between shows let me know which version you have. Thanks.

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 655
Registered: Oct-05

Shouldn't matter as long as it's above 2k pro (even the buggy win ME works), I've tried flashing on every xp version possible, home, pro, media center, sp2, sp1, pre sp1, firewalled, virginized, (even tried win2k3 server) it all works (I'm a net admin during the day :-) some days I have alot of XPerimentation ;) time on my hands). It was most likely a wrong COM config or a firewall or anti-virus soft. preventing the process from running (that crappy SP2's firewall/antivirus is the culprite of most end user problems).

Silver Member
Username: Thehitch


Post Number: 162
Registered: Oct-05
Thanks h3lt3r_sk3lt3r, I remember others having probs with 2k pro, or so they said. I just knew for sure wxp home worked and your right about crappy sp-2`s firewall and anti-virus, I have it and right now I`m loaded with trojans and java byte class sh1t, from the net and none of their crap they`re so proud of will remove it. It shouldn`t be there in the first place. Oh! well when it gets so jammed up it won`t work I`ll have to do something about it, I don`t know what, but I`ll find out. You have a good eveving, i`m all in, cya.

Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 14
Registered: Nov-05
I donno what the problem could be with my own computer, but the funny thing is... the computer I got it to work on had the same version of windows installed. I have a bunch of firewalls, pest stuff, anti virus programs on this computer, the one it dosnt work on(2 outta 5 days i design websites, other days im a contractor:-)) heh So my computer is pretty secure, up to date (sp2).. the computer it worked on pretty much had a fresh install of windows xp, sp1 not sp2... and is not primarily used for the internet...

no biggie though, in worse case i will just burn a cd and install the bins from that computer... i've learned this is more of a hobby than free anything... and i havnt even gotten to use the damn thing yet!! heh

there's a guy in my complex with a dish thats oval and looks like it is bigger than 24" and a bazooka of an arm... not sure if it's the superdish or not but it was an idea... was going to mount whichever on the chimney, caddy cornered between the slope of the roof and the chimney to give it a more hidden look anyways... just wasnt sure if there was much of a benefit to get the 121 sat.. does the whole "tie" the lnb work if it were a dish500 with a third lnb?

My main thing is I would love to learn the ins and outs and help others with my experience as well as have fun myself... when i figure out what the deal is with this computer ill let you know..

Thanks for the help guys :-)

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 656
Registered: Oct-05

Modding your dish500 with a 3rd lnb won't really pull a strong signal (if any at all) from 105 or 121, sounds like your neighbor has a superdish, just follow his setup and make sure that it's mounted strong enough so it won't fly away with the next wind gust, if you have the means to get all the equipment you're looking for and won't run into any troubles installing it, all I can tell you is what Owen Wilson said "DO IT! DO IT!" :-).

Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 15
Registered: Nov-05
Hey... just an update and few questions... I got the dish up and running... i got 97% on both satellites... 110 and 119... wanted to do my own channel list so i did a blind scan and so forth... now every now and then as i stop on a channel for a period of time or as i am going through the guide.. the c00lsat 4k pro displays a number (like 2 or 3 i have seen so far) and reboots itself and takes some time to get the video back up... any ideas? thanks =)

Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 16
Registered: Nov-05
Actually I think I am doing something wrong here, I may have screwed up the steps... i loaded the stb and channel list before I attached the dish... i had 97% on both sats but I wanted to start over to i reset the reciever and now it tells me I got full signal from 121 but like 70% - 80%'s for 110 and 119... the reciever was rebooting frequently so i am just trying things out... (also i only saw 119 and 110 from the sat list when i would blind scan, now that i reset everything i see like 15 different sats) when it would reboot it would say "scramble channel" or just stay black... I am actually doing another blind scan and we'll see what i come up with and if it freezes...

Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 17
Registered: Nov-05
by the way i found that strange with 121 cause i got the dishpro dish 500 with only 2 lnb's

Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 18
Registered: Nov-05
Okay I found out about the signal part of my problem... i did not have the lnb's set up right in the install menu... still having that problem that it displays "0" "1" "2" or "3" and reboots after you stop on a channel for more than like 1 minute... please help =)

Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 19
Registered: Nov-05
Okay well i played around with the reciever and I believe i broke it!:-/ heh well it kept doing the rebooting and the last time it did, it wont turn back on... i believe I am going to send it to coolsatrepair.com... any suggestions on if i should do that or not seeing it does have the flashed bin on it (Even though it wont turn on)... they offering free in and out of warranty repairs on coolsats till december 31st... please give me your opinion =) or any ideas of what i may have blown if anything? i was playing with the lnb settings :x

Bronze Member
Username: Cmoore

Windsor, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 33
Registered: Nov-05
You should have just loaded the firmware only, then do a blind scan, and sort by SID. The channel list probably messed things up seeing as how there are so many post around about problems with downloading channel lists with the "Super Bin" files.
Also, most lists start at channel 1, but with the latest fix, channels start at 100, with locals added at the end, so your setting may have been screwed up.
Power must be off and plug pulled when making any connections.
Manufacture Warranty is void if Flashed with other files (I think).

Try connecting to unit, turning on rear power switch at different times, and download firmware only if it connects.

If a friend has same unit running:
Power down units
Connect cable between them
Power up working unit fully with pic on tv (Master)
Power up locked unit (slave)
Master will load slave.
Wait until pic is back on tv 5 or 10 minutes to be sure loading is complete.

Power down units and pull cords before disconnecting.

Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 20
Registered: Nov-05
Thank you, I am going to try that... just to let you know,... originally I used a channel list from the internet but I erased the databases to start my own and did a blind scan... it did start at 100 and everything was working fine other than it rebooting like that... my main concern at this point is if c00lsat themselves would take any action or notify anyone of flashed recievers if you send one in to get repaired... as of right now the unit is not finding the stb connected via serial cable... i think i needto send it in to get repaired

not sure if my problem is an lnb or stb problem.. i now know the stb needs to be fixed though reguardless... i appreciate the reply

Silver Member
Username: Thehitch


Post Number: 177
Registered: Oct-05
Hey ChronMar; I haven`t returned my clst. pro it works fine, but in the warranty section they are very specific, if it has been altered in any way warrantee is void, that may be some legal BS they gotta say, and still might repair under warrantee. It will sure tell something about their integrity, after all they know exactly why you bought the stb in the first place and if they use programming as an excuse not to fix it then they svck and you gotta go to the web and find repair, if it isn`t here. Please post with results I`m sure there will be many others interested in the outcome.

Bronze Member
Username: Chronmar

Post Number: 21
Registered: Nov-05
Okay here's the deal...

I called them up (c**lsatrepair .com).. C**lsat has that special going on... any reciever that is IN and OUT of warranty will be fixed for free (just have to send them 20 bucks for shipping) including replacing motherboards and such. The guy I spoke to on the phone was real cool about everything... "We're a certified tech center blah blah"... I asked about "3rd party software" and he said "as long as it is before December 31st, 2005 I don't care if it's 3rd party 4th party software... we'll fix them all.."

So basically I sent it out today... they claim to have a turn around rate of about 7 - 10 business days...

Hope this helps anyone with any hardware issues

I'll give update when the reciever is returned to me
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