Lost PPV guide channel


Willy H.
Unregistered guest
I am using c00lsat 4000 and have the newest bins and keys. I am very new at this and need help. i lost the ppv guide at 110. please help me it say no audio/video. what does that mean? how can i fix this problem? thanx in advance.

DN moved that channel to a diffrent transponder so you need to rescan or just scan the transponder that is on now. I dont know which transponder its on but you can check lyngsat.c*m to find out.

Willy H.
Unregistered guest
Thanx. i just tried going to that site and to the 110 package but the PPV guide channel transponder is the same as the one on my receiver. someone please help and give the transponder of that channel. now i don't know whats on

Unregistered guest
I had the same problem. Just rescan and you will find ONPPV somewhere else on your channel list.

Willy H.
Unregistered guest
i rescan it but it didn't work. do anyone know the lastest TP of the ppv guild channel. on lygnsat it have the same tp of the one on the receiver. thanx for helping
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