Pansat 2500 A Bin256 gone by Friday


its true
Unregistered guest
The new program is out

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Username: Keithm2223

Greenlawn, Ny USA

Post Number: 3
Registered: Sep-05
where can i download the new bin file for Pansat 2500 A

Silver Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 734
Registered: Oct-05
READ and U will less than 1 minute

Unregistered guest
Thrill your a fuking turd

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Username: Timscarlet

Dayton, Oh Usa

Post Number: 149
Registered: Feb-05


[link removed]

bestftafiles sux
Unregistered guest
Tim that site you posted has adware and viruses, are you nuts

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 675
Registered: Oct-05
He didn't JUST post, it's his site and this is his nonchalante way of spamming.

Tim at least pay someone to redesign that POS, try to make it look like it's an actual ecommerce site, look at the page title, IT'S A FRIGGIN "PAGE TITLE"! make an effort.

Unregistered guest
of course this is my site, and there is no adware, its a domain name i got, and there is no spyware, adware, how stupid can you get? without knowing chit? where else can i put this site in a forum, an forum, its easy.

New member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-05
Can any one help me with my Pansat 2500A (not a clone) I have put every bin on my system from the orginal pansat 222-236, and then tried the 255, 256, 257, 258 bins. I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong? I set default keys. I have done a bind scan got T5, echo6,8, with quailty 87% level 84%. I have put channel list on, and blind scan. scambled channel, and the F___ $ signs. on every channel, please help!!!

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 302
Registered: Oct-05
When you are saying you set default keys, please explain a little further - just curious to make sure you are doing the right thing.

New member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-05
I set the key on after I have put on 258 bin, then added a channel list, when that didn't work i then loaded then 258 bin again and set default keys. If this doesn't help then, could you tell me what to do after i put on the new bin and set default keys, do i load a channel list or scan for channels?thanks for any help you can give me.

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 304
Registered: Oct-05
I am just trying to make sure you are not actually manually entering keys. You should just be going into the CAS Menu and hitting "Set Default Key"- I think it is the last option in the menu (I don't own a 2500). For the channels, it is your choice if you want to scan or get a list, just make sure you get or make the list that correctly matches your setup ie. Dishpro or Legacy.

New member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-05
I click on (set Default keys) button. I have a legacy dish. If i do a scan what do i do with the list after? Do i have to open it in Gtools to get the $ sighs out? what do i do after the scan? thanks

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 305
Registered: Oct-05
No the $ signs indicate if it is an encrypted channel or not. Turn to the free stations like ch.101, or GOL(ch.407) are they coming in? Where are you getting your bin files?

New member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 4
Registered: Nov-05
yes they are coming in (the free channels) I tried files from differenet sites. DssCentral, (a17bar), (, I got the 258 bin from the last two sites. any thing so far that you see i'm doing wrong?
I just loaded the 222 bin then reloaded the 258 bin, now what do I do? this is where i'm going to stop, please let me know what to do next. Thanks

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 306
Registered: Oct-05
Blind Scan, then Set Default Key. That should be all you need to do.

New member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 5
Registered: Nov-05
i did a blind scan and got T-5/ku, then set keys, got nothing scambled channel only. Sould i scan in under the echo 7, or should the blind scan have picked it up? I get quality 79% level 79% on echostar 8,6, and 7 and T-5\KU, well thats what the machine says. I only have a 18" DirecTV dish with one dual LMB with one cable directly to my receiver. I have a Pansat diseqc switch but it not hooked up. can you think of anything?

New member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 6
Registered: Nov-05
I just did a scan on echo 7 and found 320 channels and then reset keys again. I only get the free channels.

Silver Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 823
Registered: Oct-05
1 dual LNB = 1 satelitte and 2 outputs for 2 receivers

1 twin LNB = 2 satellites and 2 outputs for 2 receivers

SO your dual LNB can only get either E7...E6/8 or T5...but NOT all 3 satellites

New member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 7
Registered: Nov-05
I get the radio channels, but scambled channel on every thing thats not free

New member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 8
Registered: Nov-05
I know but why I'm i getting singnal from all three? from quality & level.

New member
Username: Keithm2223

Greenlawn, Ny USA

Post Number: 4
Registered: Sep-05
Any luck finding solution Cory? I have the same problem too. Let me know what's the solution.

New member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 9
Registered: Nov-05
not yet i set my receiver to echo 7 110, but it shows levels 78% and 82 quality. but nothing but $ next to the channels but i can see free channels and most audio.

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 307
Registered: Oct-05
Try this: reset to factory settings from setup menu, then load this bin: [link removed] . Now put this bin on: [link removed] ,now blind scan, then set default key.
One more thing : Echo 6,8 is 110 and Echo 7 is 119. Which one are you pointed at?

New member
Username: Thrill_is_gay

Post Number: 8
Registered: Nov-05
hey dickwad spanky...why don't you run along and start whining to the admin that I am posting again...I'm sure he wants to hear from a fcuking little twirp who has nothing better to do then fcuking whine about a brother who tells it like it is...fcuking dumbazz...ROTF

So did you get it yet as I have the same issue? Been looking for the answer

Unregistered guest
I hate to be annoying myself, but I've spent a good while searching this forum and I still can't find a link to the new bin.

I wouldn't normally be asking, but ftacentral uses some stupid adware ridden site to host their files. The site tries to use activex - and linux doesn't react well to that =P.

A point in the right direction anyone?

Unregistered guest
Bend over "thrill_is_gay I have a flag pole with ur no life looser name on it..

New member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 10
Registered: Nov-05
i did what you said, pansat 2500A file, then 258bin, then blind scan, got sat T-5/KU, does this mean wrong sat? set key, nothing. i think I'm picking up the wrong sat. but when i first setup i got all goos signals level, and quality.

Bronze Member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 11
Registered: Nov-05
if i do a scan on echo 6,8, i find channels? not a blind scan. and get a good signal

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 685
Registered: Oct-05

You'll have to realign your dish to whatever sat you're trying to catch.


dsscentral .net

Silver Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 828
Registered: Oct-05
here is the latest Pansat 2500 bin for genuine Pansat 2500's,not CLONES.....released 20 Nov...get all the Pansat genuine files at [link removed].

Pansat 2500A Updated Release Ver.258


Updates are
1. Nagravision 2 Keys EDIT
2. Closed Caption Improved, Option to On/OFF
3. Timing has been changed to AM/PM

Attached Files
X-85BL_051120_258_api(N).zip (352.4 KB, 2690 views)

Bronze Member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 12
Registered: Nov-05
i'm trying to catch sat 6,8 echo 110, I got good singnal levels, but when i do a blind scan i only find T-5/ku, i'm i not at the right dish? If i can only find T-5/ku can i get anything on this sat? with the 258 bin

Bronze Member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 13
Registered: Nov-05
I only picked up T-5/ku channel info reads(BellexpressVu) DFreq 11754 named sat<.

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 309
Registered: Oct-05
Did you do a factory reset before installing the bins? When I asked if you were getting the free channels did you check ch407 GolTV? That one is specific to 110 and you would know if you are at least aligned properly.

Bronze Member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 14
Registered: Nov-05
i'm getting CHANNEL $9 NFLSP free, ch 61 Vu free, 138 MCTV, 139 CBCa, 142 CBCA, 143 OMN1, 144 MCTV, 145 FREEP, 146 FREEp, 147 GAME, 148 XPRS, 149 BRKR. The channels go from 1-366, what satellite am i on? please help.

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 311
Registered: Oct-05
Sounds like you're pointed at one of the Nimiq sats(Bell). Did you use a look angle calculator to point your satellite? - And did you do a factory reset before you put those bins on?

Bronze Member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 15
Registered: Nov-05
i used this site for my calculator, i have a 18" legacy dish came with a directv package. but i didn't know what calculator to use because there are two to choose from.
check out this site and let my know, or could you give me a better site? yes i did a factory reset.

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 312
Registered: Oct-05
You could compare your look angle to the one given at the site below to check if it matches up.
Pick Echo 6/8 and either pick a city close to yours or look up your latitude and longitude and enter them in. [link removed]

Bronze Member
Username: Coco11676

Haverhill, MA Usa

Post Number: 16
Registered: Nov-05
what do i do with the lnbf polarization tilt skew, do i change the skew in the settings? do i tilt the lnb? my lnb is attached to the arm.

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 313
Registered: Oct-05
No, the skew is for other types of dishes. You just look at elevation and azimuth.

hey spanky, I have a channel data file how do i install that on the reciever?

New member
Username: Ck1n4l

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-05
I accidently hit the factory setting button on the remote and now I can't get the channels that I was, after doing a blind scan. Plus, when I pull up the installation menu I have alot more satellites listed than just the 2. What do I need to do to correct this. Thanks!
PS:I got the recvr from someone else

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 314
Registered: Oct-05
Use channel master. You can get it here:
What receiver do you have?

Silver Member
Username: Spank

Post Number: 315
Registered: Oct-05
The Channel master post was for Anonymous.

CK14NL - What receiver do you have?

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 701
Registered: Oct-05
Sounds like a pansat, he probably had a channel list with just 110 and 119, then did a factory restore and now has...well what he has :-).

New member
Username: Ck1n4l

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-05
I have a pansat 2700A. What can I do to reset it to get what I was? Only picked up T-5/ku when I did a blind scan. Do I need to have it redone with a download?

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 702
Registered: Oct-05

What's your setup, ie dish, lnbs, switches?
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