Firewalls causing problems


Silver Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 812
Registered: Oct-05
Lately I have noticed many people are having various problems uploading bins, flashes, channels lists etc..they get error messages such as incomplete..flash failed...serial port stops at 10% or whatever..

SHUT OFF your firewalls, if U experience any problems like this..99% it will fix it, unless U have a bad/wrong cable or serial port..this problem is increasing lately, I don't know if its the newer files or newer firewalls...but shut it off, then try your upload again!

Silver Member
Username: Thehitch


Post Number: 176
Registered: Oct-05
Thill1951, speaking of firewalls, did the thread "thill help" run into a mod wall? It was the one about cleaning up the site or you were gone. I had asked you a ? and can`t find the thread. My conclusion is, instead of cleaning up the nasty threads they deleted the one demanding the site be cleaned up, is their message clear enough?

Bronze Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 35
Registered: Oct-05
I've posted this message various times hopping to help people out, but it appears that no one wants to read. The problem they are having loading these bins is due to OPERATING SYSTEMS. The only Operating System I can confirm is not causing problems is Windows XP. You had confirmed Windows ME, but I know for fact that once Bin 282 has been loaded onto a fortec, Windows 2000 (Operating System) will not communicate with the receiver. I've tested and retested this theory and have confirmed in the threads where the question was asked.

The last thing I did was load the original bin onto a fortec receiver and then went back to a computer with Windows 2000 and it loaded fine (282) but once it loaded that bin and I tried to do any kind of update, channel list or bin file, it will not communicate with it. Cut and paste this info as you see necessary, but the problem with the communications failure is operating system.

Like I said before, I cannot confirm Windows ME (that I leave to you) but Windows 2000, once 282 is loaded, will not communicate with the receiver.

Silver Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 813
Registered: Oct-05
PFR..I have talked to many with various OS, and ALL seem to be working fine,even 2000...I thought of your posts about OS, and that is why I did in fact start this new thread,because it appears its not the OS but the firewalls that are causing the problems..I personally use 98, ME and XP and ALL work fime..and again, many I know (both my sons and others) do use 2000 with NO problems,UNLESS firewalls are involved on some ocassions..

hitch...yes that thread did get deleted...the mods here don't like being threatened or me taking any of the followers here to dsstester..but I am posting today,because I did notice they deleted ALL the trash posts along with my thread also...BUT all the helpers need to be UNITED on this and hold Ecoustics accountable for maintaining a CLEAN forums here...and NOT just throw us a bone every now and then by deleting some posts and threads!

Bronze Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 36
Registered: Oct-05
Thill1951.. I would agree with you, but I've done the test personally and those computers I loaded Windows 2000 stopped communicating with the receiver. My personal computer which I've been using for a LONG time stopped communicating with my receiver the minute I loaded the 282 bin. As soon as I loaded Windows XP (which by the way, is what the manual recomends using as an OS), it started communicating again. Needless to say, I do not have firewalls on that computers since the only thing I use it for is flashing receivers and all securities have been disabled.

I didn't post here because I thought that was the problem, I posted because I KNOW that IS the problem. However, it is painfully apparent that you don't like to be outshined or proven wrong, so I will keep my knowledge to myself and if people want to follow you, so be it.

AS FOR EVERYONE ELSE.. Rest asure that when I post information to help, it has been proven to work and even further, tested by myself unlike others who post here.

Bronze Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 37
Registered: Oct-05
Thill.. By the way, if you don't know what manual I'm talking about, it's the tech manaul (NO NOT THE USER MANUAL YOU RECEIVE WITH THE RECEIVER).

Obviously you don't have it so tell me where to post it and I'll give you the PDF file so you can read a little.

Silver Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 821
Registered: Oct-05
WOW...chill...I justed posted some 100% accurate proven known info about firewalls (which is posted at every site) and any basic computer tech with tell U ...and about my experiences with other OS...and my sons (both A+ and network computer certified and FTA users also, along with other abilities) and buds experiences with 2000 and FTA use...none of us had any problems ...that is a fact!...its also a fact about firewalls also,as U must know from reading various posts at many sites..

I never said U were wrong...maybe U personally have problems with 2000, 98, Me and all other OS, but myself amd most do not,but do with firewalls on ANY OS..and I do not like or have a Fortec so I cannot speak about their recommendations or manuals..but I can speak for blackbird,pansat,co*olsat and viewsat and 98,2000, ME, and XP...and trouble with firewalls..this is not a pissin contest...I was sharing info, not bashing U or doubting your experiences! why is it "painfully apparent" to U that most others and myself have posted this known fact about firewalls...why do U feel threatened by others observations and posts at numerous sites?...I thought we were on the same team,but its painfully apparent that U do NOT feel the same way!

Bronze Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 38
Registered: Oct-05
Thill - it's the way you come accross! You come accross at time as if everyone here was ignorant.

First things first - The post and most of my posts here are related to Fortec Products!

Second - I think I've already told you what I do for a living, but just in case (MCSE/MCSA and Novel CNE). So when it comes to computers, been there done that!

Third - I've stated clearly that the only OS I've had problems with was Windows 2000 (Flashing Receivers that is). I stated that I never used ME, so if it was working, I left it up to you to confirm.

Fourth - I've used Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and know using Windows XP to flash receivers. Although I have a copy of ME, it was never a good operating system so I prefer not to use it.

Firewalls may be causing problems as well, but I haven't had that problem before. But then again, as I said, I don't use a PC that is connected to either the internet or a LAN and therefore don't have firewalls up!

Last but not least, we have always been on the same team. Trust me I've learned much from you and I've shared my knowledge with anyone who wants it, and I've posted the same result in other sites getting confirmation that as soon as they swapped out operating systems their problems have been solved. AGAIN, I can only speak about Fortec Receivers which is what I work on... Nothing more, nuthing less.

Bronze Member
Username: Prfrmnj

Post Number: 45
Registered: Oct-05
Thill - One last thing I forgot to mention. Anti-Virus software also causes problems as well as anti-spyware. Most of these programs are TSR and they need to be shut down through the program manager.

Silver Member
Username: H3lt3r_sk3lt3r

Post Number: 700
Registered: Oct-05
I've been saying this all along, I don't know why it's new to people.
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